Where to buy Glycolic Renewal Smoothing Cream 10% Glycolic Acid in the USA?
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This is a great moisturizer! It is very effective at sloughing off dead skin cells and giving a radiant glow. This is due to the 10% AHA’s found in the product. I don;’t use it every day (I usually alternate between this and as well as their anti-aging peel). When I use this I can’t help but keep touching my face, it feels so smooth! One caution is to make sure you wear sunscreen, whether you use this day or night (you’ll want to have a good sunscreen for the daytime).
My skin loves Glycolic.
Have been using for about 5 months daily with the matching mousse cleanser.
Helps keep acne & blackheads at bay and really does smooth skin.
I prefer to use at night.
I use the matching mousse cleaner in the morning.
I moisturize during the day with tiny bit of raw cacao (natural sunscreen) & almond oil.
Small squeeze bottle – 40g at around $50.00.
You really do not require a lot of product for application.
A little goes a long way (first tube lasted 4.5 months!)
Bought twice, both times on sale.
Good value.
My skin has never looked better!
Wonderful. Highly recommended!
Neostrata Glycolic Renewal Smoothing Cream 10% Glycolic Acid does wonders for my skin. It is able to exfoliate, unclog pores, dry up pimples and reduce fine lines. Leaving my skin looking smooth, radiant and younger looking. It doesn´t erase sun spots o melasma, but that´s what retinol is for.
When I discovered this product two yeras ago, I was so impressed by the results that I began to use it every night. It is marketed as a daily moisturizing cream. But it was too irritating for my skin. So ever since I´ve been using it on my face and neck 2-3 times a week at night with great results. Exfoliating my skin during the day with makeup and sunscreen on top just doesn´t seem right. I prefer to exfoliate at night and wake up with clean, luminous skin. My foundation applies flawlessly. My skin is photosensitive the next day. Sunscreen is a must.
When I apply it, first I double cleanse, hydrating toner, eye cream, and then I apply it avoiding my eye area. Go to bed and wash it off in the morning. Voila! Beautiful skin!
There are two types of Glycolic Renewal 10% GA (see Canadian website). Cream for normal to dry skin and lotion for combination to oily skin. Choose depending on your skin type, and use depending on your skin´s needs, both give great results.
Got this product as a gift and i must say its one of the best glycolic renewal I’ve ever used. Once you start using it your face goes through a purging process to renew your face but once that purging is done your face is clear and rejuvenated. Its a little bit on the pricey side but its worth every dime, will repurchase once finished and If you live in Canada and want to purchase you can get it at Shoppers Drug-mart or Rexall.
I bought this after looking at the good reviews. I have deep lines around my eyes for my age. And having problems with little bumps, occasional pimples, dull complexion. This has helped a lot. My complexion improved very much, lines are smoother and bumps are no longer a problem. I still get the occasional pimples but this does seem to help it heal faster. It’s does not moisturize well though, but I get away with just my reviva labs rose water and this. Highly recommend if you have the same problems here and your skin can take the acid.
Neostrata recently discontinued their “Smoothing” formulas with glycolic acid. In this they discontinued my beloved Neostrata Oil Free Smoothing Lotion Level 3, a light lotion with 10% glycolic acid that was fragrance-free. In Neostrata’s new Glycolic Renewal line, they have a line up of 5% glycolics and 10% glycolics in which you can choose between a lotion and cream formulation. I was intrigued by the new 5% glycolics but they had denatured alcohol as one of the first ingredients, which is disappointing for me since I have dry, sensitive skin. Because I was starting to run low on my old bottle of Smoothing Lotion, I opted to dry this as a cream because of my skin type.
One thing Neostrata made a change to is to have the glycolic acid attached to arginine so the formula is time-released, which lowers the risk of irritation and tingling. With glycolic acid, first time beginners should ALWAYS start at low concentrations 5%-8% and slowly build up tolerance. When making the big jump to something like 10%, the stinging can be quite uncomfortable. However, I can attest that unlike the original Smoothing Lotion, I barely felt the irritating tingle. With the Smoothing Lotion you immediately feel irritation, but because of the time-released formula, the effects are not as bad.
I only use this at night for a couple of reasons. Firstly, I don’t like the idea of having my skin, and possibly my makeup, shed all day. Secondly, AHAs do make your skin more photosensitive to the sun. I apply this every second or third day to also reduce irritation. This cream is pretty thick but is easily spread.The formula does contain allantoin and argan oil, which is used to sooth and hydrate the skin.
The morning I wake up with this on, my skin is glowing, soft and bright. I’m only 18, but glycolic acid is a great anti-aging ingredient.
I do have a minor problem with the packaging, however. The locking system with the cap isn’t the best. You really have to take your time to close the cap.
One peeve I have with this product is that this time they decided to add fragrance. Neostrata… why?!
Even the Smoothing Lotion had no fragrance. I could really do without it, but it’s on the bottom of a long ingredients list, so I don’t think it would pose much problems.
I bought this on sale for $31.50 at Rexalls, I think the regular price may be $37~38.