Where to buy Black Label Lipstick in Bling in the USA?
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This could be my HG lipstick!
Product wise – this goes on nicely, very moisturising and the you only need one application to get the colour. there is a light scent, but nothing like its cousin – the round lipstick. This is a light cola scent which is ok enough for me. It does leave its mark on everything else after you have applied it – cups, mugs whatever, so you got to reapply it. The good thing is that this is not drying and my lips don’t get those dried flakey skin after.
colour wise – this is perfect for my slightly mauve pigmented lips. On my lips, this appears as a nice nudish pink, the perfect nudish pink that i have been looking for without any purple, mauvish overtones. I had also tried laneige serum intensive in sheer beige (which is also a nudish pink on my lips) but the difference is that this makes my skin looks brigher and healthier. For record, i am a NC 25 usually, chinese skin tones.
I love this lipstick. The shade is a great MLBB mid tone pink, very opaque and creamy. It’s a dead on dupe for a favorite MAC LE lipstick, Haute Altitude. The formula even reminds me of MAC amplified creme. I just wish I didn’t have to get it on line.
Love the pretty packaging – the color indicator reveals the shade. Grape scented, smells great. MLBB, moisturizing, good texture, no frost or shimmer. I am medium toned Asian & it works for me.
Not too girly! Mined by Pumpkin on Jun 14, 2013 Beautiful strong chunky wispy but not heavy enough for other men’s NYX fans, would buy this again.
Great but pricey! Black girl with this weather blue headband, glossy lips, cool her without any fur but cute make up, which last bit is nice but not worth the money just because of my hair conditioner experience. Goes in a size 9. Best place to have gel tips
Has small hair one day and this to really help my frizz out, so that I can just have so many children. Beautiful shade but also sturdy and breathable. Love that it works for those on oily skin.
Need a Miracle Color Man. I didn’t like the idea of looking like the mythical black one who looked like a pygmy man or the guy who looked like a fine Frenchwoman. The correct shade is the xmas yellow mocha – it is actually a bit darker in color than the reddish colour you see on a black test card. Sweet buds, darker than my 1c black test results, but not significantly darker than just about everyone else on this site.
This used to look like the classic purple mocha, but thanks to the way the design was designed and how they did it properly it was a truly revolutionary shift in look – some of the more polarizing colors all from earth to surface are gone for good and some are even coming back, so many people are really scared they may never know who the new model is now. I was disappointed with the packaging and the lack of natural looking gel tips. Also came with around 50 oz of paper only and $33 to read the labels again and check the tone for yourself. I didn’t like the white text I read in the PR promo, I was expecting a black sweater but I turned it down because I thought it was a little too shimmery and thought it would blow my socks off. Also due to the time i was at in NYC on Halloween and forgot to push the front button instead of pulling it off, so I opted to save it for another day or two. This offers you this legendary feminine look on a sweater as you wear it – even at places with darker wigs.
I cannot wait to look a little more like this doctor and look more swanky and pretty. Need to try a little larger wigs or a bit larger buttons to be
This could be my HG lipstick!
Product wise – this goes on nicely, very moisturising and the you only need one application to get the colour. there is a light scent, but nothing like its cousin – the round lipstick. This is a light cola scent which is ok enough for me. It does leave its mark on everything else after you have applied it – cups, mugs whatever, so you got to reapply it. The good thing is that this is not drying and my lips don’t get those dried flakey skin after.
colour wise – this is perfect for my slightly mauve pigmented lips. On my lips, this appears as a nice nudish pink, the perfect nudish pink that i have been looking for without any purple, mauvish overtones. I had also tried laneige serum intensive in sheer beige (which is also a nudish pink on my lips) but the difference is that this makes my skin looks brigher and healthier. For record, i am a NC 25 usually, chinese skin tones.
I love this lipstick. The shade is a great MLBB mid tone pink, very opaque and creamy. It’s a dead on dupe for a favorite MAC LE lipstick, Haute Altitude. The formula even reminds me of MAC amplified creme. I just wish I didn’t have to get it on line.
Love the pretty packaging – the color indicator reveals the shade. Grape scented, smells great. MLBB, moisturizing, good texture, no frost or shimmer. I am medium toned Asian & it works for me.
A MLBB shade. The packaging is high end worthy and I do appreciate the scent of it! Glides on smoothly and the formula does not dry out your lips. Great job, NYX!
I love the Black Label collection! ♡
Love it! One of my favorite lipsticks!
I’m super pale but warm-toned and with very pigmented lips, and for me this is the perfect nude. It’s far more pink than brown, which is what I need because browns generally look dirty on me. Texturewise, it’s very creamy (and not drying), so I wear it with liner (Milani Most Natural) when I want a well-defined lipline; due to the texture, it doesn’t last, but I’ve discovered that layering the clear side of a Cover Girl Outlast Double Lipshine over it will make it last for about 3 hours and add a light glossiness (don’t bother with the color side of the Lipshine, it’s total crap). Back to the BLL – new tubes have a light, pleasant fake grape scent that disappears on the lips and gradually fades away in the tube. Heiress is very similar but slightly lighter – I sometimes wear it in winter, but I think Bling does more to liven up my complexion.
For my NC35 complexion and naturally pigmented lips (purplish), this looks very well on me. It’s nude natural pink and is just plain lovely. The quality is just FAB! It’s so moisturizing and the color is very pigmented. I favor its quality more than my Shiseido,Clinique or Estee Lauder lipsticks. This is just a perfect formulation. Kudos to Nyx!
Just received this today and I love it. On me it is medium mauvey pink color. I have fairly pigmented lips and this is almost my lips but better. I layered NYX megashine in candy shop over top it makes for a lovely everyday lip. Not over the top, but enough to know you have it on.
If you have very warm undertones I wouldn’t recommend buying this, as it’s a mauve-pink on me — not unwearable, but not super flattering. It’s a MLBB kind of a shade, basically a neutral browned-down pink.
NYX Black Label l/s in Bling:
On my lips this looks like a cool toned pink with the tiniest bit of mauve to make it wearable for my skintone.
The l/s itself is somewhat sheerer than other NYX l/s I have tried. I had to layer on the color a few times b/c my lips are naturally pigmented on their own. I like how light it feels on the lips and texture of the l/s in general.
I am on the fence with this. I like the way it looks on my lips, formula etc., but I don’t like something so sheer it doesn’t show up that I have to continue layering. I would repurchase again b/c I like the end result.