Category: Treatments
Brand: Orly
Ingredients: Water (Aqua), Potassium Hydroxide, Polysorbate 80, Sesame Oil, Carbomer.
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I’m really happy with Cutique! Just in one or two minutes my cuticles are soft and easy to push back leaving a clean line. Would definitely recommend.
For cuticle removal: A-
For stain removal: F
Orly Cutique Stain and Cuticle Remover removes cuticles and dead skin on the nails with ease. In just 60 seconds, I was satisfied to see 90 percent of the dead skin loosened so it could be scraped away and/or pushed back easily with a nail tool.
I was even more impressed afterward upon painting my nails. I finally achieved those clean, carved out hollows on the lateral nail fold (the sides of you nails where it meets the skin). It’s a small detail, but it’s the details that make a home manicure look more professional.
Keep in mind it doesn’t magically dissolve cuticles. You need to work at them a bit with an orange stick or nail tool. This product just softens the dead skin so it becomes a little gummy and lifts away easier. (That is possibly the grossest-sounding sentence I’ve ever written on a beauty review!)
It can cause skin dryness. Be sure to apply it to the nail bed only, avoiding the skin around the nails. I made that mistake, and the skin around my nails was dry and peeling the next day. A rich hand cream helped.
Unfortunately, it did not help nail staining at all. My expectations weren’t very high to begin. My nails have long-term yellow stains from always being manicured. No manner of buffing, scrubbing, hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, lemon juice or any other home remedy has helped in the past.
Surprise! This product didn’t reduce the staining. The directions for stain removal are also pretty vague. “Apply and rub with a cotton ball,” says the bottle in tiny white font. Rub for how long? How hard? Let it soak in first? What kind of stains are we talking? This information isn’t stated anywhere.
I left it on for two minutes, and rubbed virgorously to no avail. The stains didn’t even lift slightly.
I tried again a few days later after removing dark red polish, which had left my nails a little pink. It didn’t do much for that either. Additional nail polish remover was needed to remove the temporary staining.
Oh well. I bought it mainly to remove cuticles and dry skin buildup on the nail anyway. The promise of stain removal seemed lofty, but I figured it would be a nice bonus if it lightened the stains even slightly, which, for me, it did not.
Perfect. My cuticles haven’t looked this good in years. And no cutting! All the dead, overgrown cuticle just lifted right off with a gentle orange stick scraping. I am sold. Love.
I like it a lot! It does a great job at softening cuticles just enough to painlessly push the back with a spoon pusher. It also works great under the nail to clean dirt from under there. It also really does whiten the nails.
It is ok but not perfect. It makes my cuticles soft and easy to push back but doesn’t remove them completely as I would like. It is better than my Sally Hansen which I was always using. If I buy it again I’ll have to put it in an empty SH bottle because I really don’t like the polish like bottle. It is difficult for me to use especially when it’s half empty.
If I could give this more than 5 lippies I would! This stuff is AMAZING!
I bought this on ebay after reading the reviews on here. The first time I tried it I thought I’d make sure I had even better results than what I’d read and let it soak for 10 minutes, and much to my disappointment nothing happened at all! I logged on MUA to check I’d bought the same product, and sure enough, I had.
So I thought I’d give it a second shot and follow the instructions on the bottle this time. I am SO GLAD I did!!!! This removed cuticles I didn’t even know I had!
As per the instructions I left this on for 30-60 seconds before using an orange stick. I am so incredibly impressed with the results. I’ve done a second application because my cuticles were in a terrible state and I couldn’t be happier with the results.
I’m about to log into ebay and buy another botthe right away!
Definitely worth trying.
The stuff inside the bottle looks and feels very much like the Mavala cuticle remover I had been using so far but they couldn’t differ more from one another in effect. My cuticles have never looked this good after a home-manicure before. Orly’s one removed even the cuticles that I never knew existed on my nails
I actually got lucky in that this was the first product of this type I tried. I am cheap though so ive dabbled in others lower on the price range but they cant compare. Used this again recently after a long hiatus from pedicures and it still amazes me. Even though its a bit on the pricey side to me I consider it an investment piece because you dont need much and its lasts and lasts. The bottle I rediscovered must be at LEAST 6 years old and it still works.
But in my fugal nature i must try one more experiment before i go and invest in another bottle for my manicure kit. Gena callus off is very similar and I already have it so im going to put some in an empty polish bottle and see how that does. But that said i’ll likely go back to cutique.
I have to confess I was skeptical because the cuticle removers I tried so far all failled including Mavala one. But little did I know when I ordered this online, tried it today on my toes and OMG this saved me at least 15 minutes, before I used damp cotton to moisten the cuticles and waitted and waitted and waitted, this only took 2 minutes and dang(!) the extra skin came off like magic (used my precious metal Tweezerman Pushy cuticle pusher). I got a great clean job which I totally didn’t get with the cotton/cuticle trimmer method.
This is a must-have for anyone who has really tough, hard to remove cuticles.
Here’s how I use this magnificent treatment on overgrown cuticles-
Step One: Doing one hand at a time, apply to the cuticle area of the nail. Let it sit for about 2 minutes. Then take an orangewood stick and very gently push back the cuticle. Rinse with warm water and repeat on the other hand.
Step Two: After rinsing, I find there is usually some residual dry skin and cuticle left on the nail. To clean-up, I then apply to the full nail and cuticle (both hands this time) for maybe 30 seconds. This quickly dissolves the excess, which I then gently scrape off with my orangewood stick. Rinse.
Step Three: Apply cuticle oil and lotion.
For maintenance, I perform step one every other day (without the cuticle pushing if I have polish on).
*If you have any broken or bleeding cuticle at the time of treatment, skip that nail until it heals