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Absolutely ruined my skin and charged me through the nose for it. I’ve used this for two weeks and it is the only new adjustment to my skin care. I’ve broken out day after day with new spots. I’ve written to Skineuticals for their advice based on the overwhelming positive reviews and been ignore but when I enquired about the product when looking to buy they responded immediately. Don’t waste your money!!
Absolutely ruined my skin and charged me through the nose for it. I’ve used this for two weeks and it is the only new adjustment to my skin care. I’ve broken out day after day with new spots. I’ve written to Skineuticals for their advice based on the overwhelming positive reviews and been ignore but when I enquired about the product when looking to buy they responded immediately. Don’t waste your money!!
I’m 52, not a product junkie but have tried many high quality skin products either purchasing or in samples, and I’m dumbfounded this serum, the CE Ferulic has such a big reputation. I see no results at all, that are promised by the company, and in fact think my skin looks worse because the serum has no calming benefits or moisture. I know exactly how to use it, I apply it and wait several minutes then apply a quality moisturizer. I see no changes in lightening discoloration, no improvement in texture. My skin is in great shape, I don’t need drastic results, but I don’t even see minor results. It’s not worth purchasing period, much less for the absurd price. There are other serums 1/4 to 1/2 this price I have tried that worked very well, but I kept hearing about this one and got greedy for even better skin! But I was suckered. I can’t return it at this point, I did give it a chance using it past the 30-day required return date, but I’m making the effort to write truthful reviews because women need to know. Never be a lemming and buy something because the price feels luxurious, get products that work. It is my huge regret to say this one doesn’t. On aspects others complain about, ironically the scent I like; it’s fine, it’s inoffensive and so light and fades completely. I do hate having a perfumed face, it’s ridiculous, and so I appreciate when a skincare company recognizes perfume is unnecessary + an allergen.
Ungodly expense
That smell (you’ve got to have a sense of humor about it)
I can’t really notice if it’s making a difference…
I’ve used it on my face every night for over 3 months, and there’s at LEAST half a bottle left. That makes the cost sting a little less.
MAYBE it’s working some preventative goodness?
MAYBE it’d be helping other products work better, if I knew what else to apply or watch for?
After reading about it, I added this to my skin routine back in late December. I wasn’t doing much else for my skin, and I can’t say I noticed a positive difference after all this time. To be fair, I’ve been under a ton of stress and not sleeping great, so it’s really hard to say if it’s doing anything preventative.
I’ve just added a little retinol and moisturizer into my routine, and that’s made a much bigger difference in how my skin looks. My diet has improved, too, and that is one of the best (and most economical) things you can do for your skin. Now to work on sleeping more…
There’s still a lot of product left, so I will read up on what it plays nicely with and continue to use it for a while. I didn’t expect to be on the fence after all this time, though. If I remember to, I’ll come back around with an update when I finish the bottle!
I got a good-sized sample of this in a skin care set. I used it up but didn’t see any changes in my skin. Perhaps I would have with continued use, but I’m not prepared to shell out the big bucks ($166!) for a bottle to test that premise.
This is a watery (as opposed to siliconey) serum that spreads well and is non-sticky. I have fairly sensitive skin, but I found it to be non-irritating. It’s fragrance free but has the same vaguely meaty smell all vitamin C serums have. The sample I received came in a miniature version of the normal packaging–a brown glass dropper bottle. All of this is well and good. I just wish I could say I saw results.
I’m writing this review from the perspective of a 26-YO. I’m giving this a 4-star rating for myself because the C E Ferulic Acid is labelled as “preventative”. The Vitamin C and antioxidants in the serum are meant to decrease and prevent oxidative stress which causes wrinkles, fine lines, spots: all the signs of aging. Right now I’m experiencing larger pores, some sun spots on my nose, and a bit of bloating and these ingredients only target a few of these woes because this product seems more justified a purchase for more mature women. I can only hope that by the time I’m 30, that I’m not as wrinkly as I would be without this product (who knows?).
The instructions are to apply 5 drops to your face, seal it in with a moisturizer, then wear an SPF (I use a La Roche Posay one). I have noticed more radiance, decreased discoloration from scars (also other things in my routine work), and brightness overall after a few weeks of use. I have to agree that the smell is a little FONKY, but please remember this is a performance product, not a luxury, feel-good product. The way I convinced myself to purchase this was that if a single visit for a spa facial costs $195, a $166 bottle of serum that will last me 2-3 months is not terrible in comparison. This is definitely one of those products that demands patience and a structured routine to combat the damage that’s already been done to your skin.
When I was in my 30s, an esthetician introduced me to Skinceuticals (or it may have been Cellex-C back then – I believe there were 2 partners who eventually split, but had similar Vit. C products). I used the Vit. C serum religiously for a number of years and was amazed to see fines lines literally fade and disappear. Now with dryer skin, I’m using the C & E Ferulic and it still helps keep my skin looking almost 10 years younger. Some don’t care or the smell, but it dissipates quickly and after 5-10 minutes I add a moisturizer, so it’s not an issue. I’ve read where this product is not best for those with oily skin, and some of the reviewers / younger women complaining of breakouts might want to try the Serum 10 AOX+ instead.
i have tried 5 bottles of these expensive serum and zero difference. the smell and texture aren’t great either.
not for me. i was hoping for the wow factor given the price.
Absolutely ruined my skin and charged me through the nose for it. I’ve used this for two weeks and it is the only new adjustment to my skin care. I’ve broken out day after day with new spots. I’ve written to Skineuticals for their advice based on the overwhelming positive reviews and been ignore but when I enquired about the product when looking to buy they responded immediately. Don’t waste your money!!
I’m 52, not a product junkie but have tried many high quality skin products either purchasing or in samples, and I’m dumbfounded this serum, the CE Ferulic has such a big reputation. I see no results at all, that are promised by the company, and in fact think my skin looks worse because the serum has no calming benefits or moisture. I know exactly how to use it, I apply it and wait several minutes then apply a quality moisturizer. I see no changes in lightening discoloration, no improvement in texture. My skin is in great shape, I don’t need drastic results, but I don’t even see minor results. It’s not worth purchasing period, much less for the absurd price. There are other serums 1/4 to 1/2 this price I have tried that worked very well, but I kept hearing about this one and got greedy for even better skin! But I was suckered. I can’t return it at this point, I did give it a chance using it past the 30-day required return date, but I’m making the effort to write truthful reviews because women need to know. Never be a lemming and buy something because the price feels luxurious, get products that work. It is my huge regret to say this one doesn’t. On aspects others complain about, ironically the scent I like; it’s fine, it’s inoffensive and so light and fades completely. I do hate having a perfumed face, it’s ridiculous, and so I appreciate when a skincare company recognizes perfume is unnecessary + an allergen.
Ungodly expense
That smell (you’ve got to have a sense of humor about it)
I can’t really notice if it’s making a difference…
I’ve used it on my face every night for over 3 months, and there’s at LEAST half a bottle left. That makes the cost sting a little less.
MAYBE it’s working some preventative goodness?
MAYBE it’d be helping other products work better, if I knew what else to apply or watch for?
After reading about it, I added this to my skin routine back in late December. I wasn’t doing much else for my skin, and I can’t say I noticed a positive difference after all this time. To be fair, I’ve been under a ton of stress and not sleeping great, so it’s really hard to say if it’s doing anything preventative.
I’ve just added a little retinol and moisturizer into my routine, and that’s made a much bigger difference in how my skin looks. My diet has improved, too, and that is one of the best (and most economical) things you can do for your skin. Now to work on sleeping more…
There’s still a lot of product left, so I will read up on what it plays nicely with and continue to use it for a while. I didn’t expect to be on the fence after all this time, though. If I remember to, I’ll come back around with an update when I finish the bottle!
I got a good-sized sample of this in a skin care set. I used it up but didn’t see any changes in my skin. Perhaps I would have with continued use, but I’m not prepared to shell out the big bucks ($166!) for a bottle to test that premise.
This is a watery (as opposed to siliconey) serum that spreads well and is non-sticky. I have fairly sensitive skin, but I found it to be non-irritating. It’s fragrance free but has the same vaguely meaty smell all vitamin C serums have. The sample I received came in a miniature version of the normal packaging–a brown glass dropper bottle. All of this is well and good. I just wish I could say I saw results.
I’m writing this review from the perspective of a 26-YO. I’m giving this a 4-star rating for myself because the C E Ferulic Acid is labelled as “preventative”. The Vitamin C and antioxidants in the serum are meant to decrease and prevent oxidative stress which causes wrinkles, fine lines, spots: all the signs of aging. Right now I’m experiencing larger pores, some sun spots on my nose, and a bit of bloating and these ingredients only target a few of these woes because this product seems more justified a purchase for more mature women. I can only hope that by the time I’m 30, that I’m not as wrinkly as I would be without this product (who knows?).
The instructions are to apply 5 drops to your face, seal it in with a moisturizer, then wear an SPF (I use a La Roche Posay one). I have noticed more radiance, decreased discoloration from scars (also other things in my routine work), and brightness overall after a few weeks of use. I have to agree that the smell is a little FONKY, but please remember this is a performance product, not a luxury, feel-good product. The way I convinced myself to purchase this was that if a single visit for a spa facial costs $195, a $166 bottle of serum that will last me 2-3 months is not terrible in comparison. This is definitely one of those products that demands patience and a structured routine to combat the damage that’s already been done to your skin.
When I was in my 30s, an esthetician introduced me to Skinceuticals (or it may have been Cellex-C back then – I believe there were 2 partners who eventually split, but had similar Vit. C products). I used the Vit. C serum religiously for a number of years and was amazed to see fines lines literally fade and disappear. Now with dryer skin, I’m using the C & E Ferulic and it still helps keep my skin looking almost 10 years younger. Some don’t care or the smell, but it dissipates quickly and after 5-10 minutes I add a moisturizer, so it’s not an issue. I’ve read where this product is not best for those with oily skin, and some of the reviewers / younger women complaining of breakouts might want to try the Serum 10 AOX+ instead.
i have tried 5 bottles of these expensive serum and zero difference. the smell and texture aren’t great either.
not for me. i was hoping for the wow factor given the price.
I have dry skin, never had an acne problem, not even in my teens. This product caused deep painful acne. I really wanted this product to work,
so I continued using for 2 months, hoping my skin would settle but it didn’t. It did improve the texture of my skin though. My skin started clearing up once i stopped using. I guess I’m in the 1% whose skin reacted poorly to this otherwise great product.
I’ve tried every vitamin C product out there but I’ve come back to this one because it is simply the best. I used it during last summer (under a 50 spf) and no sunspots occurred on my face. Pricey, but it is an investment for beautiful skin.
This is my second bottle and this product really works. It can cause break outs in acne prone skin beware but it really lessens wrinkles. I have wrinkles on my forehead and now they are barely visible. It is pricey but it goes more than 6 months.