Where to buy Slap Stick Solid Foundation in the USA?
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So Lush recently came out with the Slap Stick Foundation and created a huge hype on social media around this product, before launching it. It was a foundation like no other, because it was not only cruelty-free and vegan but they also made sure that it had no plastic packaging. To top it all off they came out with 40 shades at once. I’m not really someone who gets sucked into hyped products, because I prefer reading reviews before buying anything, but I bought the foundation to review it on my Youtube channel.
When they launched the foundation it was only available online, so I had to guess my shade (which I hate, because I never get the right shade). I didn’t want to take any chances and ended up buying 3 slap stick foundations (W6, W9 and W12).
The foundations come in a little matchbox type packaging and the foundation itself is shaped like an egg. The bottom of the foundation is covered in way, so that you can hold it without getting your fingers dirty, which by the way doesn’t work, because I always end up with foundation all over my fingers.
Some of the ingredients of this foundation are extra virgin olive oil, jojoba oil and argan oil, which was already a red flag for me, but again … I bought this for reviewing purposes.
The Lush Slap Stick Foundation feels extremely heavy on my skin. I use full coverage foundations, but this one made my skin feel like it was suffocating. But it’s not a deal breaker for me. The coverage is light to medium, but I found it a little hard to blend. The finish of this foundation is dewy and in my opinion you definitely need to powder your face otherwise you will look oily right away.
Now the most important part for me is longevity and this foundation failed miserably. Even though I set the foundation with powder my skin started looking really oily within an hour or two. By the end of the day my face was a hot greasy mess with a cakey looking foundation that had separated on my chin, nose and under eye area.
I absolutely hate this foundation, I don’t even mind that it’s messy and difficult to work with as long as it makes my skin look good throughout the day. But it doesn’t. I love their idea of an ethical and sustainable foundation, but this is a product that I would never buy again or recommend to anyone.