Category: Shampoo
Brand: Davines
Where to buy Natural Tech Nourishing Shampoo in the USA?
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Oops – i reviewed the wrong product and cannot seem to delete my post
Not cheap but you don’t need to use a lot. Like all Davines products, it is highly concentrated. I am always on the look out for shampoos that are very very gentle cleansers. This one is perfect. It cleanses without striping or freezing my hair. It smells a slightly odd at first. Like spices, sorta like cumin. But the smell fades. And I have gone accustomed to it.
This has to be in the top 5 worst shampoos I’ve ever tried, and I’ve tried a lot. I have a very dry flakey scalp that turns to very cakey dandruff once the grease starts building up and this is literally worse than using dawn dish soap. It is so hard to lather in your hair. It leaves a horrible filmy feeling, and I’m a really good rinser. The smell is fine in the bottle but lingers nastily in your hair. Whatever you do don’t bother trying this; I swear the countless good reviews online are bogus.
This is the best hair shampoo I have tried and I’m obsessed. I saw many review that said this shampoo didn’t make leather, but really I’m very impress to how leather it does and how easy it is to massage it into the scalp. Really recommend this product to everyone. It nourishes, detangle and adds shine ! The hair feels healthier every time I use this
Who the F$&K is this shampoo for? BARBIE?! I’ve never left such a scathingly bad review but I feel obligated for the greater good.
I don’t mind the price (I am willing to fork over the money for things I like) and I don’t mind the smell (very herbal-y aveda-esque), the problem is that it doesn’t really clean. Like another amazon reviewer said, it feels like washing my hair with a bar of ivory soap. If anyone has ever washed their hair with a straight-up bar of soap, they know the feeling I’m talking about. It makes your hair feel kind of greasy, scummy and dirty. This is a relatively low lathering shampoo and while it does foam somewhat upon lather, if you have super long thick hair, you WILL have to use more simply because there’s not enough product to reach the lengths. I’m familiar with natural sulfate free low sudsing shampoos (I used briogeo and alterna natural prior to this) but this feels like I have to use excessive product to disperse throughout the lengths of my hair. It does leave my hair relatively soft and I like how it enhances the texture of my hair, but my biggest issue are the tangles/knots galore! I’ve never had this problem before! I feel like I have a rat’s nest in my hair. It’s so bad that I’ve seriously thought about cutting my hair short and everyone knows I love my hair. Maybe if you have short, fine hair, (aka barbie) this would work for you but it just doesn’t have the muscle to wash the amount of hair I have- for reference, I have boob length thick asian hair.
This is one super nourishing shampoo! I had been using Melu for 3 months but wanted to try something new as I finished the bottle. My stylist recommend the Natural Tech Nourishing shampoo for my brittle, fine hair and I am SO happy with it. Unlike Melu this is free of silicones and SLS – and surprisingly much lighter even though it gives WAY more moisture than Melu.
I’ve only used it twice, but I can seriously see and feel my ends getting healthier with greater elasticity and bounce. I use it with my Melu conditioner, and when that one’s finished I’ll definitely try the matching Nourishing Vegetarian Miracle conditioner.
Seriously, give this one a try if you’ve got brittle breaking hair that’s easily weighed down by heavy products.