Where to buy DermAppeal Lips Lip Quenching & Line Smoothing Micro-Polish in the USA?
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In the last couple of years there have been quite a few products added in this category, both “high street” (aka Drugstore here in the States) and prestige brands. Sara Happ started the movement with her lip scrub. Her foray into the prepackaged lip scrub market was definitely a success. I started with her Blood Orange scrub when it was still a 1.0 oz packaging (now her products are only 0.5 oz), and since she is the most well-known among this type of product, I will compare the reviewed product to hers. Let me start off by saying I have been a Skinn user for years. Dimitri James has taught me so much about asthetics and what should be in quality products versus ones which are expensive due to advertising and high bottom line. When he came out with this DermAppeal product, I decided to give it a try. Let me back up by saying that Skinn offers a DermAppeal for the face and also a scented product for the body as well (in a much larger packaging). I can get a bit evangelical about the DermAppeal face product. Mr. James calls it one of his “non-negotiable” products. I agree wholeheartedly. It is a scrub with vitamin C crystals and other ingredients which smell divine and make your skin tingle. It temporarily erases the fine lines on my forehead, and I feel that my creams soak in much better into my epidermis after I use that product. Sadly I am too lazy to remember to use it as much as I would like. The DermAppeal lips product works on the same premise. It has a lovely fruity scent which reminds me of lychee. Priced at $20 for a 1.0 oz tub (the packaging is expensive compared to Sarah Happ, but still not something super fancy that I would necessarily display on my vanity), this is a good bargain. Sarah Happ sells her Lip Scrub in a variety of flavors for $24 for 0.5oz. If you do an apples to apples comparison, the Skinn Cosmetics product is a huge bargain. You will need literally a small drop to properly exfoliate your lips. The oils in the Skinn DermAppeal lips keep my lips moist afterwards, even though I do follow with a lip balm relatively soon afterwards. Skinn is sold on their own website, but I bought my product on HSN and right now they have some crazy buys (they have them there all the time more or less, so no matter when you read this, you can get some amazing sets) with the lip volumizer, the face DermAppeal and also a combo with the DermAppeal for the body. I am very tight with my money, so trust me when I say that this a great product and it will last you easily 6 months if you exfoliate 3x per week. The tub is huge and it just takes a tiny bit to take care of your lips.