Where to buy Herbal Essences Naked Clean & Refresh in the USA?
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I got these at Target for $4.99 each (the shampoo and conditioner are each 13.5fl oz.)
I LOVE the smell (white strawberry & mint is a match made in heaven), the shampoo lathers well, the conditioner feels nice, & these leave my hair feeling clean. That’s why I’m giving three lippies. I would’ve given five if it wasn’t for the three things I dislike:
1) These products do nothing special for the hair. My hair is somewhat difficult to brush through after using them. I can get better results from other shampoo/conditioner combos.
2) The packaging sucks. The lid to my shampoo bottle won’t close anymore. Its been like that since before I was halfway through the bottle.
3) Clairol isn’t cruelty-free.
I’m still looking for my HG shampoo and conditioner but this isn’t it & I won’t repurchase.
I discovered Clairol Herbal Essences Naked Clean & Refresh Shampoo and Conditioner (not a 2 in 1, two different bottles) at Target when fed up with other moisturizing or cleansing shampoos/conditioners not living up to promises. Moisturizing ones weigh the hair down due to chemicals, and cleansing ones usually dry out the hair. Mix and Match wasn’t an option.
So down the shampoo/conditioner aisle in Target i went. I knew the Naked line had no dyes, or parabens or crap like that and gentle scents that were very nice. My eye zoomed in on the one with strawberries on the bottle, because I love the scent of strawberries. The bottles for shampoo and conditioner said “White Strawberry and Mint” and “Clean & Refresh” and $4.99 a bottle. Nice price for the big bottle there, so I got the shampoo and conditioner together in the trip.
Having just left work to get the shampoo and conditioner at Target afterwards, I was looking forward to a hot shower at home. This stuff cleans great, smells great and isn’t heavy on the perfume factor, and the conditioner leaves my hair feeling silky soft and healthy again. it’s a good team up!
Price is great, only I can’t find it YET at stores other than Target or the Internet shops.
I think it’s still super new as I asked their company on Facebook and they said some stuff was being discontinued in favor of the Naked line products! Yay!
the bottles when they get low CAN stand on their caps, as it’s a flip-open and squirt top, not the push down one side to open kind (which can clog easy).
It’s been a long time hunting for the perfect pair in both shampoo AND conditioner together that work as a team, and this is The One for me.
I stole an image of the bottles as a pair off of Google, it’s not on the website yet for Herbal Essences. Put the image on my imgur for a short URL to share: