Where to buy Bright Future Gel Serum Concealer in the USA?
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Good coverage and stays in place.
I don’t know why when close to running out it was actually itching me around the eye area sometimes.
Not bad and probably not gonna buy again soon, but still not completely off my list
I bought the new green shade that’s supposed to neutralize redness. But it did nothing, only left an ugly greenish hue, redness still peaked through it.
I wish the coverage was better, and the concealer was more pigmented.
Also, it dried out my skin and caused a few breakouts exactly where I applied it.
Very average for the price.
I realize I gave this one star but I really really like it…just hear me out… If you can color correct first or have very very little discoloration and want to just look fresh and bright, this is amazing! It’s super creamy, easily blendable and the lightest shade I found, Bavarian cream, is perfect for even white white skin. Ok here’s the prob..if you have actual dark circles to cover, it’s worthless. One layer is beautiful–if your undereyes are perfect, in which case why bother with concealer? But if u need coverage, applying two layers is a mistake. It creates creases and wrinkles that aren’t really there bc it settles randomly. Do not ever, ever bake over top of it..don’t say I didn’t warn you. If you bake, expect severe wrinkles and creasing..I swear I looked 40 years older when I tried that. And nothing will smooth it out…no brush, sponge or trick I know will make it settle down and look remotely decent once you’ve baked. Again tho the formula is so gorgeous–not too heavy, goes on so easily and the color is flawless but it doesn’t cover anything. The brightening effect is fab, I love that bc it’s not glittery or odd, just brightening. However unless u have zero darkness under your eyes, this concealer doesn’t conceal anything. Such a bummer bc everything about it is perfect otherwise. Even the price is fab for such a nice formula. But if u need coverage, look elsewhere bc you’ll b totes disappointed in this.
I bought this two years ago in New York and I was immediately obsessed. This is amazing for oily skin, it stays in place all day is easy to apply, you don’t need much for it to conceal while brighten and it blends incredibly easily.
However, as I’m from the UK you cannot buy this Sephora product here, even online. Whenever I have been on holiday throughout Europe and Asia, I have kept an eye out for these. They only sell about five shades in these regions, none of which I am happy using. I am number 6.5/Biscotti which I have not seen in any Sephora (I have been to) outside the states. It is incredibly hard to get a hold of but I would still buy 10 if I found it somewhere!
The other problem I have with this concealer is the packaging. It is awful, I have about a centimetre of product in the bottom which I have not been able to obtain, what a waste. I have tried these hacks like boiling it in water etc, no difference. In my opinion, at least the wand needs to be far longer. However, it has been a while now since I have bought the product so this may have changed.
Never the less the product is incredible and I would 100% buy next time I am in the states! I would recommend to a friend!
I have been testing this concealer, which cost $14. I believe I have the lightest shade, which is typical for me. I purchased this at the same time I purchased the Bobbi Brown Intensive Skin Serum concealer for about $42, also in the lightest neutral shade. I prepared both under eyes with my typical eye cream and applied a color corrector. I then applied one concealer to each eye and asked my husband and my best friend, separately and without disclosing which eye had which concealer, which eye they thought looked better. My husband said the Sephora eye was better, and my friend said the Bobbi Brown eye was slightly better. Each also said they could hardly tell the difference. In my own opinion, neither did a fabulous job of covering my dark undereye shadows along the orbital rim. Both apply very similarly and provide light to medium coverage that is somewhat buildable but never really covered my circles. They are both lightweight, quite natural looking, and do not settle into my crepey inner under eye corners (although the Sephora does very slightly). I think I need a more concentrated or opaque concealer. The Sephora one seems to work just as well as the Bobbi Brown one, however, so I will keep that one for no make-up days and return the Bobbi Brown.
This is the holy grail of concealers that are on the cheap end. It isn’t cakey, it blends out perfectly and it doesn’t crease at all. Sometimes a bad concealer can make you look older, but I’ve never had an issue with this.
I have shade Fondant and it’s become my everyday under eye concealer. Coverage goes on medium/full but it is buildable if you need more. I set it like I would any other concealer and it lasts all day, easily as long as my foundation does.
The color selection and just overall feel of the product is really good. I don’t experience creasing because I usually will set with a powder. I do have a problem with the applicator. After a few weeks of use, I need to get to the bottom of the tube to get some and the applicator just wont reach! That’s the only issue though.
I found this concealer to be so so. I am an NC 43 or Nars Tinted Moisturizer- Malaga; basically medium dark with yellow undertones. The SA applied this to my under eye area after applying the Sephora Orange Corrector. She applied the #13 Caramel on one eye ad the #!14Toffee under the other. The Carmel was a little too light and the Toffee was a little too dark. I am probably somewhere in between which may mean I need to buy both and mix them.
I would have been fine with that, however after wearing this for about an hour, I noticed that it creeped into the fine lines under my eyes. I don’t know if the creasing was do to the corrector or the above concealers but I have decided to keep looking.
I have been using this for several months. I got this because the Maybelline fit me started burning my eyes and I wanted a light concealer for under they eyes that looked natural so it would work with BB creams. This one works quite well for that purpose. It’d say it’s a medium coverage, not really buildable. You will be tempted to pack it on but don’t! It gets cakey and streaky if you add too much. I do need to set with a powder, but I need to set all concealers with a powder. I got the shade meringue. It works for me but I might try a shade or two darker next time to make it just a bit more natural. I don’t love the applicator. It’s a doe foot…sort of. It doesn’t have a slanted side so product is only on the tip so you have to dot it on. I can deal with it, but I prefer to swipe it in place. I will also say you don’t get a ton of product. Pay attention to price per ounce on this one. It’s 0.13 oz/3.84 ml and $14. I love the NARS radiant creamy concealer, which is 0.22 oz for $30. Tarte shape tape is 0.33 oz for $25. So of the three, Tarte shape tape is easily the cheapest. Just saying…
Overall I do think I’ll repurchase.
This is one of those i wanna ask WHYYY doesn’t this product have better ratings!?! Haha-honestly though iv used Tartes infamous Shape Tape and yes it is awesome HOWEVER after buying this gel serum,i cannot help but rave ab how much i love little goes a long way,it literally brightens under the eyes pulling off a highlight effect and is totally buildable for those that say it’s not enough coverage,yes it is…you may have to apply another layer depending on what your trying to achieve,but it certainly can be full coverage! I love that i can use the tinest bit and it just spreads so perfect..awesome for dewy/lumi girl especially,but can be used on ANY skin types…very pleased with my purchase and although i can’t say its better than Shape Tape,i CAN say it’s just as good ????