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My local Boots is always selling Organix products in some kind of deal, like 2 for £10 or similar. I picked this up when they had sold out of the previous coconut water flavour I’d been using, along with the tsubaki conditioner, and was pleasantly surprised. Like most sulphate-free shampoos, I need to shampoo and rinse 2-3 times in the shower to get my oily scalp squeaky clean, so it’s not the most budget-friendly option out there. The delicate flowery smell was lovely though and when used with the tsubaki conditioner, after a week of daily use it really did feel softer overall and my boyfriend noticed without me asking.
The bottle shape lets it down, like all Organix shampoos and conditioners. Why do they still sell their products in such dreadful bottles? So unwieldy and awkward in the shower.
I bought this because I liked the pretty purple packaging, the amazing scent, and the promise of having soft silky hair. My hair isn’t particularly damaged or even super dry but this really stripped my hair. It felt so tangly and way too squeaky clean. The conditioner smelled just as good but was not heavy enough to take care of what the shampoo did. I used this maybe 10 times in total before giving it to my sister.
I picked this up at Walgreens over the weekend because it smells amazing (if you remember GAP Om, it smells just like that!) and honestly wasn’t expecting much. I’ve used other shampoos and conditioners from Organix and wasn’t blown away. But I swear to you this is different – my hair is shinier and softer since using it.
My current favourite daily shampoo. It has a very delicate scent, great fluffy lather, rinses squeaky clean and won’t leave even the fine hair matted or tangled. It keeps blonde hair bright and soft. I haven’t tried the conditioner as I almost never twin my hair care because my scalp needs aren’t the same as needs of my hair. However, I’ve had great experience with Tsubaki oil in Shiseido hair care so I knew I wouldn’t be disappointed. The entire Head Spa gold series lived for almost two years in my shower because for some reason Japanese hair care is very rich so little goes a long way. Camelia oil is known to be gently moisturizing without weighing hair down while a shampoo won’t give you necessary moisture, OGX Tsubaki Blossom shampoo will do an equally great job gently cleaning your hair every day and effectively rinsing deep oil packs, like coconut etc.
This shampoo made my hair really really dry…. this is similiar to when I tried the Organix coconut shampoo/conditioner.
It felt like I was washing my hair with hair gel or glue! This is currently sitting in my closet waiting for a second chance..
I might give this shampoo/conditioner a second chance… I’ll post and update.