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I decided to give this mascara a go when I needed one in a hurry, as I have used other Natio products and been happy with them. I don’t think it gives extreme volume. It definitely is more of a natural look, like it’s hard to tell if you have mascara on. I am having trouble getting it onto my sparse lower lashes. Am wondering if the brush needs more bristles? There doesn’t seem to be much product on the brush. I won’t buy it again.
Short version: looks good when applied, but it stings so horribly I literally couldn’t see. I cannot speak for longevity/smudge because I only wore it once for three hours. It looked like the better version of Max Factor 2000 Calorie on me.
After removing this mascara, I could not open my eyes for fifteen minutes because of how badly they burned. I lost at least six lashes (that I saw) from one application. I do not wear contacts, rub my eyes excessively nor have sensitive eyes – I’ve never had any bad reaction to eye make up ever. Skin products definitely, but eyes never. It’s twenty four hours later and my eyes still sting so apologies for any typos. Now to be fair it is hayfever season so that may account for part of it, although I’ve been taking medicine for it for a week.
I bought this impulsively as Natio had a really good GWP offer if I spent $X. Sadly this is the only mascara I’ve ever bought without checking MUA first
I got home, checked reviews and went “awww balls”. I decided to give it a go anyway.
I had average length, average volume (although it’ll now be sparse for the next fortnight, hurr hurr ????), straight lashes. The most important thing to me when buying a mascara is separation – Max Factor False Lash Effect and Cover Girl Clump Crusher are my HG mascaras for this reason. I don’t own a lash comb because I use a cleaned MF mascara brush which does the job. I was therefore surprised at the definition that the Natio mascara gave me because I’m used to the bristle style of brush clumping up. Because the spiral bristles on the Natio are far apart, it lets you get very close to the lid, and it really feels like you’re combing it through. The slight pull from the comb was oddly satisfying.
It gave an impressive amount of volume. It wasn’t a jet black sadly, it had a tinge of grey at the ends. I remember applying this and thinking “oh man that’s awesome, I won’t have wasted money on this. Those MUA reviews had me worried that I’d have the same experience”. My lashes weren’t individually defined, but they certainly weren’t clumped. It looked like a more voluminous, less clumpy version of 2000 Calorie.
About three minutes after I applied it, I tried to use my “lash brush” to comb through them. That’s when my eyes started to burn – I couldn’t see any black specks in the mirror but it felt like brushing through had caused tiny sharp flecks to painfully go in my eye. This went away after five minutes.
At this point if I touched my lashes, they would become very messy and stick together or in different directions even though the mascara dried.
Three hours later when I went to remove it with micellar water, it BURNED. It came and went in waves over the next few hours but at its worst, I couldn’t open my eyes for fifteen minutes. Eye drops did nothing. There was no sign of black flecks or anything in the mirror though. If I gently rubbed my eyes, I’d find multiple lashes in them even though I rub other mascaras more vigorously without lashes falling out. This is going to sound ridiculous, but it almost made me not want to rebuy my favourite Natio moisturiser – even though they have almost nothing in common, the other reviews for this mascara plus my own painful experience has actually made me not want to support Natio as much and I’m definitely not the kind of person who judges an entire brand by one or two products. This kind of burning/fallout product is on a whole other level though! And I don’t say that lightly because if you look through my post history you’ll see me having a bad reaction to another brand that I still praise in this review.
So yeah. There’s been dozens of products that I would consider “will not rebuy” when reviewing… But this is the first one that was so bad it made me seriously reconsider buying from that brand at all.
I have this in black/brown and I think it is very average. I won’t get it again because I wouldn’t want to waste money on something so rubbish to be honest…
worst product ever… used this once and got grit in my eyes.. followed by extreme itchyness and then major swelling which lasted 2 weeks! i look like i had plastic surgery… will never by anyyyyyy of their eye products ever again!
One of the worst mascara’s I’ve used. Doesn’t do anything for my thin/short lashes. The formula was hard to work with and the brush didn’t help either since it gathered too much product. The consistency is thick and doesn’t layer well without getting spider lashes, weighing them down and giving them a droopy look. Towards the end of the day, I noticed smeared rings under my eyes. I only have this in the 10mL size since it came with their Summer Glow gift set.
EDIT 22/05/2011:
After the initial week this just isn’t working for me
very smudgy is very dry and can cause lots of clumps
great product! it gives volume without clumping and lengthens too! felt like i had falsies on. great dark colour and you can layer as well.
i got the fullsize as a GWP but i believe its quite inexpensive but not dirt cheap. the packaging is sleek black and the brush is great for coating most of the lash.
only con its advertised as smudge proof however even though thats true if i slightly rub my eyes it does smudge a bit. but overall brilliant, love it and will repurchase!
Don’t buy this! I got it as a GWP when I spent over $35 at David Jones this week. Good thing I didn’t spend any money on it because I would have been really annoyed. The liquid is thin and takes forever to dry. It has no curling, volumising or lengthening effect AT ALL. Extreme Volume is such a poor name for this product because it does nothing of the sort.
Great for a natural look, not so great for volume. would not recommend it to anyone with sensitive skin and eyes including contact wearers. as the eye can get viciously itchy if your wearing it for a full day.
No… not so good… I found this clumpy and droopy… its just too liquidy too work well, unfortunately natio does not seem to have the expertise needed to make a mascara that’s any good. Plus side is non irritating if it gets in your eye… I have sensitive eyes…
I’m quite the fan of Natio products, but not this one. This is pretty darn bad. The name “Extreme Volume” is totally misleading – you get none of that! The formula is way too runny and takes too long to dry, so I always end up with black spots above my eyebrows and under my eyes where my lashes have touched my skin! It makes my lashes droop defeating the purpose of curling them. I also often end up feeling like I have grit in my eyes when wearing this. I have persisted with this for a few weeks now, but into the bin it goes.