Where to buy Soon Jung 5-Panthensoside Cica Balm in the USA?
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I have used a whole tube of this as my day cream last month. It is not bad, I have already bought two more tubes, but I will not be using them during the cold season anymore. Although this is called a balm, it is not such a thick or occlusive cream. I intend to use it as my night cream during the warmer months. It is supposed to have been formulated to be mildly acidic and to protect the skin barrier. It is fragrance free. It worked well to moisturize my skin and did not irritate or break me out. However, as the weather got colder, it needed a booster underneath, so I have been using SANA’s Namerakahanpo’s All in One Soy Moisturizer underneath. The one thing I really hate is that metal tube: I’ve learned my lesson, so now I know how to use it by gently squeezing and rolling it from the bottom up. If you don’t do that, it becomes a real pain in the neck to squeeze out the last few drops.