Category: Treatments (Eye)
Brand: Unlisted Brand
Where to buy Active Eyelash Technology – neuLash in the USA?
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This product was recently recalled here in Sweden because of an ingedient in it, isopropyl cloprostenate, which had potential side effects, according to the FDA (Food & Drug Administration). The FDA told Neulash that the ingredient was no longer classed as a cosmetic ingredient, but as a drug. The potential side effects were redness, itching and even change of eye colour. Neulash has already changed the ingredient to a new and, according to them, equally good ingredient that won’t have these side effects.
I read this on , in Swedish and English. I’m not sure how this affects the US or anything, but I wanted to make sure I mentioned this.
I took away one lippie because of the side effects, and potential (even more serious) side effects on others, and because of others’ stories about the lashes falling out if you stop using this. Also because of the whole deal with the FDA. This makes me feel a bit unsafe, and I have experienced some minor side effects that come and go – like a subtle red line along my lash line, but nothing else.
However, this most certainly works at making your lashes grow. There is no doubt that they will grow long and beautiful. The way your lashes will look may vary every week/month, sometimes they will be longer and straighter, and sometimes more curly, and sometimes a little different on each eye. That’s natural and you can’t control everything about your body, so it is not a complaint, just a thing I want to mention.
I love how this makes my lashes look, and I’m satisfied with the results. I think this would be a great thing for (for example) cancer patients who have lost their hair and lashes, as this will help them grow back out and maybe make them feel more beautiful. Also, of course, for superficial girls like myself, who want to look beautiful 🙂
This is a product that does what it says, and thats why im giving it 5 stars. I HATE products that don’t do what they claim and promise.
When i first started using neulash, i noticed that my eyelashes started to becom fuller, longer and “stronger” after about 5 weeks.. first i thought i was just imagine myself, but after theese 5 weeks it just said POFF and one day i REALLY noticed a big differens. I continued on taking this every single night, until the product was finished. Im not sure for how long it lasted but maybe 9-10 weeks? By this time by eyelashes were SO long, they litterally were growing above my eyebrows! ( i do have pretty low eyebrows though!)
The thing i did not understand, was that i had to continue taking this product for it to last. (not every night though, maybe 1-2 times/week), so after a couple months, ofcourse my old lenght of eyelashes were back, since the long/new ones had fall off (like it always does, we just dont notice it really since it always grows out new ones).
So i had to do that routine again, buy a new product and use it for 5 weeks until they started to grow again. Now i have continued using this a few times every week, and the lashes are still long.
I PROMISSE you, this product works. I would never ever recommend a product that don’t work. If you want fuller and longer eyelashes – this is for you 100%
Sorry for my bad english, im from Sweden… 🙂
it is true that Neulash works like a magic. Only applying once a day as recommended in two months time my eyelashes were noticibly full and longer. Meanwhile i started experiencing the every single side effect listed. İrritated, watery, stinging, bloodshot eyes and the worst of all dark circles all around the eye area. Forgot to add the impaired vision. i stopped using the product cold turkey. Two weeks later İ had major eyelash fallout. Now İ have less eyelashes than the orginal state. Good news is annoying dark circles had gone and my eyes are not itchy. İ would recommend anyone who considers using eyelash lengthening products to do a good research on internet. There are some websites with reviews, pros and cons. İ wish İ had done some research before ahead. İ have just ordered Maxolash, only available online. They say it has natural ingredients. İ cross my fingers..