Category: Top/Base Coats
Brand: Borghese
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I like the brush with this polish but I didn’t really like quality. Didn’t help my polish stay long and didn’t make it shiny enough.
An excellent top coat!! Makes my polish last for up to 1 week (with 1-2 re-applications) without chipping or “cracking”. The shine is also beautiful and long lasting. I’ve tried a lot of top coats, and this is the best.
Absolutely AWESOME top coat. Dries fast, gives great shine, and helps my mani last forever. As previous posters have mentioned, it does drag, occasionally. But if I use the application I use with Seche Vite (put a dollop of the polish in the middle of the nail and work from there), this top coat works GREAT. I’m a nail polish junkie, and do my nails twice a week, so I’ve tried just about every top coat out there, including Seche Vite, Out the Door, OPI, Revlon no chips, etc, and each one seems to have one or more drawbacks. The Borghese is honestly as close to perfection I’ve found: it’s super shiny, wears really well, dries super fast, and it doesn’t thicken to a mess like Seche Vite.
This is my favorite top coat so far. It isn’t too thin or thick, super shiny, long lasting, and the packaging is pretty. Im not big on the brush though.
I adore this top coat. It is the perfect finish to any manicure, leaving your nails glossy and shiny and making them look professionally done. I also love the double brush that Borghese does, because it allows for optimal speed of application. This top coat also dries insanely fast and makes my polish last over a week! The only downside is that where I live it costs $13.99 (kind of expensive when you think that OPI costs $9.99).. so thats really the only con. But whatever, I’ll still buy it! LOVELOVELOVE
I got it for a really good deal at TJ Maxx. I love the professional look I get when I’m done doing my nails at home since it dries so fast! Perfect for fidgety DIY manicures.
I am just getting into nail polish. I am African American and have a tendency to have oily hands which have to be washed constantly. All my life all the female family members wore polish, but I could never get it because it would chip on me the same day. I never knew that there were steps one needed to take to keep polish looking good. I used sally hansen double duty as a base because I see so many reviews saying it takes forever to dry as a top coat. I then used to coats of the polish, and then this top coat. I couldn’t believe it, the difference was amazing. I will not lie I did chip in three places, but did not really put a good coat of the top coat, and I was overly rough with my hands by sticking them into a purse that needs to be cleaned out so bad that it probably has living creatures in it. I cannot stand chips, I think it looks tacky as hell (just my opinion). When I say chips, I mean like the polish is damn near off the finger, you have more natural nail showing then polish.
I cannot compare this to a more expensive brand because I have never used one, but for 9 dollars at rite aid, I thought it was worth it, because I know this will last better then I have ever had nail polish last. If I can get 3-5 days out of a polish I am happy because I know I used to cheap the same day.
I liked the brush, when I did the touch up I made sure to put a lot on it because I know it can drag, but my personal experience has been whenever I use a clear coat it will drag if not enough is on the brush. This also dries like in 5 minutes. I am not saying go and start zipping up a multitude of zippers, but it is pretty hard in 5 minutes.
This is the best top coat that I have used yet. It dries incredibly quickly and I had my color last for at least 5 days before I got a tiny chip on one of my nails.
The only thing that compares to this is the topcoat that I get at the salon! Drying time was at 5 minutes, and a second coat gives a good thick shiny wet appearance. This topcoat dries very hard and it protects my manicure.
The trick to not dragging the polish is to let your nails dry to the touch, and then dip the brush into the jar, allow a bead to form and spread it on quickly WITHOUT touching the brush to the nail. Takes some getting used to, but I have done all of my manicures without dragging my polish.
Any topcoat would drag if you pressed down on it with any topcoat nail product, so its not the fault of the product, its the method of application.
If you do accidentally press down on the nail with the brush and your polish drags, make sure that you get some nail polish remover and wipe it off the brush by dabbing some polish remover on a cotton ball and cleaning your brush on it. You dont even have to hold the cotton ball in your hand, just lay it down and brush your polish brush over it. It’s not hard to do and it will save you from messing up your bottle with colors.
I am very satisfied with results and I will keep using this topcoat for as long as it is available.
Reasonably priced, and the brush design is genius.
I love this! Dries considerably fast compared to other top coats. Makes nails super shiny and usually doesn’t chip for a number of days. Only concern is that it does tend to drag on nails so you have to make sure there’s a good amount on the brush before coating each nail.
This top coat is very shiny, but that’s my only plus. It drags over polish– my bottle is now tinted pink from it picking up color– it doesn’t dry particularly quickly, and causes shrinkage. It’s not terrible– but it’s nothing special, either. I’m not sure how I feel about the double-wide brush– it’s ok, but I’m not in love with it. If I sound “meh” about this top coat, then that pretty much sums it up. Meh.