Where to buy Invisible Zinc – Tinted Daywear – Medium in the USA?
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I’ve been using this product (and other invisible zinc products, such as the waterproof one for my chest, and the untinted one which I mix with this, the medium tint, for a lighter shade) for about 7 years.
This product both looks beautiful on my skin (dewy/glowy, a perfect golden tint to match my mid-toned olive undertoned skin), and provides me with the very best sun protection I believe is available in the market.
When my face is going to be receiving a lot of direct light, this is what I trust. It forms an actual physical (though beautiful) protective layer on the surface of the skin, protecting against sun but also free radical damage which the chemical sunscreens can actually contribute to.
It does go on a bit ‘heavy’ but it settles down and feels good to me. I would encourage persevering beyond initial impressions.
Oh and I apparently look consistently about 8 years younger than my age…
I tried this product maybe twice. It’s quite expensive here in Australia ($18) and because there were no testers available I bought both the light an medium shades thinking that I could use the medium in the summer and the light in the winter. I ended up throwing them both away, one unused. It’s a sticky, greasy cream that made me look like an oil slick. I couldn’t even have my hair down while wearing it because it would stick to my face! It’s a shame it’s so bad because it has a very high SPF which is great for the Australian summer.
Oh I am so disappointed in this product. It recently came to the UK and I was so excited to try it. A mineral sunscreen with a tint that cancels out the white cast effect- genius yes?- well no actually
Firstly, let me say that I am supremely happy with my usual LRP tinted anthelios 50spf – adore it. The reason I wanted to try this was because I am getting concerned lately about the culmulative effect of chemicals in so many products and I was hoping that even though I love LRP, this might give me the same finish and protection but without the chemical content. Sadly, it doesnt hold a candle to my beloved LRP and I may aswell have smeared orange sudocrem on my face for what this did for me. The shade of medium seemed to be a good choice for me as I am NW25 usually. However, it was an oily orange colour and the consistency of this product is pure, unadulterated grease. After extensive rubbing in, it just kind of sat on my skin like a thick oily film. It felt almost suffocating on but I thought No, give it some time so I went out. I was not happy- every time I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror I looked shiny, waxy and orange- kind of like if George Hamilton rubbed his face in chip fat- you get the picture!
Anyway, after a few hours had passed the orangy-ness had faded somewhat and settled down to a more innocuous beigy shade but by this point I realised that my cheeks and chin were breaking out. This is a huge deal for me as I literally NEVER get spots- my skin is far more prone to being dry and tight than clogging so for this stuff to clog me after a mere few hours is pretty darn awful. Anyway, once I got home I washed my face several times and felt alot better. The spots faded after a few days but I really feel that this sunscreen is way too thick, too heavy, too oily and too smothering to be good for anyone’s skin. If your skin is oily and clog prone stay WELL AWAY from this product.
I am gutted as I spent £25 on this which really is an outrageous price for what is essentially a tiny tube of orange grease. I am going back to my beloved LRP- sod the chemicals. I always thought that a light, breathable, natural, matte and yet effective mineral sunscreen was too good to be true and I guess I was right all along *sigh*.
I’ve been using this product (and other invisible zinc products, such as the waterproof one for my chest, and the untinted one which I mix with this, the medium tint, for a lighter shade) for about 7 years.
This product both looks beautiful on my skin (dewy/glowy, a perfect golden tint to match my mid-toned olive undertoned skin), and provides me with the very best sun protection I believe is available in the market.
When my face is going to be receiving a lot of direct light, this is what I trust. It forms an actual physical (though beautiful) protective layer on the surface of the skin, protecting against sun but also free radical damage which the chemical sunscreens can actually contribute to.
It does go on a bit ‘heavy’ but it settles down and feels good to me. I would encourage persevering beyond initial impressions.
Oh and I apparently look consistently about 8 years younger than my age…
I tried this product maybe twice. It’s quite expensive here in Australia ($18) and because there were no testers available I bought both the light an medium shades thinking that I could use the medium in the summer and the light in the winter. I ended up throwing them both away, one unused. It’s a sticky, greasy cream that made me look like an oil slick. I couldn’t even have my hair down while wearing it because it would stick to my face! It’s a shame it’s so bad because it has a very high SPF which is great for the Australian summer.
Oh I am so disappointed in this product. It recently came to the UK and I was so excited to try it. A mineral sunscreen with a tint that cancels out the white cast effect- genius yes?- well no actually
Firstly, let me say that I am supremely happy with my usual LRP tinted anthelios 50spf – adore it. The reason I wanted to try this was because I am getting concerned lately about the culmulative effect of chemicals in so many products and I was hoping that even though I love LRP, this might give me the same finish and protection but without the chemical content. Sadly, it doesnt hold a candle to my beloved LRP and I may aswell have smeared orange sudocrem on my face for what this did for me. The shade of medium seemed to be a good choice for me as I am NW25 usually. However, it was an oily orange colour and the consistency of this product is pure, unadulterated grease. After extensive rubbing in, it just kind of sat on my skin like a thick oily film. It felt almost suffocating on but I thought No, give it some time so I went out. I was not happy- every time I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror I looked shiny, waxy and orange- kind of like if George Hamilton rubbed his face in chip fat- you get the picture!
Anyway, after a few hours had passed the orangy-ness had faded somewhat and settled down to a more innocuous beigy shade but by this point I realised that my cheeks and chin were breaking out. This is a huge deal for me as I literally NEVER get spots- my skin is far more prone to being dry and tight than clogging so for this stuff to clog me after a mere few hours is pretty darn awful. Anyway, once I got home I washed my face several times and felt alot better. The spots faded after a few days but I really feel that this sunscreen is way too thick, too heavy, too oily and too smothering to be good for anyone’s skin. If your skin is oily and clog prone stay WELL AWAY from this product.
I am gutted as I spent £25 on this which really is an outrageous price for what is essentially a tiny tube of orange grease. I am going back to my beloved LRP- sod the chemicals. I always thought that a light, breathable, natural, matte and yet effective mineral sunscreen was too good to be true and I guess I was right all along *sigh*.
Gross. Just plain gross. Great concept – in terms of adequate protection from the powerful Australian sun, tinted so there’s no need for moisturizer or foundation. But girls, I just can’t stand the scent and texture. From the beginning to the end of day, the stickiness is just unbearable. Your mobile phone ends up the object being protected due to transference…what can I say. Can’t wait to finish this product as I don’t like waste. But I definitely shall not purchase again. I am however crazy about its sister product, the ESP with 30+ SPF…now that is my go-to protection – scentless, non clogging, non sticky and just plain gorgeous.
I bought this because I was on the lookout for a tinted moisturizer or tinted sunscreen with a higher SPF (most are 15 or 20, and in the Australian summer sun I feel like that’s not enough), and this was one of the very few products that I found that met that criteria. Sadly, I can’t stand the stuff- I feel like I’m spreading peanut butter on my face when I put this on, both in texture and colour! If I want to put powder over it, my face is so sticky that brush hairs shed and stick to it, and colour (blush, etc) doesn’t apply smoothly either. It takes a lot more cleansing that usual before I feel like it’s gone from my skin as well. I probably haven’t given this stuff a fair chance- I’ve only used it a couple of times, perhaps with more use I’d discover how to work with it better. But to be honest, it just feels so awful that I don’t even want to give it that chance. I thought this would be a timesaver but I’d rather just keep the extra step of applying a separate sunscreen.
The medium tinted daywear looks scarily dark initially, but it blends out and I’m thankful for the tint because even though it’s not as opaque as regular zinc, it still leaves a slightly pale cast to my face and makes me look like I’m wearing heavy makeup.
This applies quite thickly initially but blends out a bit better although you really do have to spread it a bit. Once it dries, it’s less greasy than some other sunscreens on the market although still greasy. This feels thick on my skin and I’m aware of it sitting on my face like a thick second layer, but it’s also for this reason that I know that it’s protecting me. Unfortunately, due to its thickness, it also makes me break out, and when I wash it off, my regular cleanser just doesn’t cut it – I have to exfoliate to make sure it comes off properly. This melts on my face during warm weather despite powdering. The price is quite good for the quality, but it’s just too thick and heavy. A similar product for a better price (if you don’t mind the lack of a tint) is Natural Instinct’s SPF30+ mineral sunscreen, which is also less thick.