Category: Skincare – Face
Brand: Equate
Where to buy Proactiv 3-step Acne Treatment System in the USA?
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This stuff truly is a joke!! I can’t believe they even named this bogus knockoff of an already cheap product the same name with equate. I bought this from the convenient store and it really really really irritated my skin. Not happy at all with this product!
I recently purchased this acne kit from Walmart , since my face is really sensitive I made sure to ask the pharmacist which would be the best fit for me and she suggested this acne kit . I’ve been suffering from mild acne which got worse over a period of time for the past few months and nothing has worked for my skin until using this product , it’s been 2 weeks so far and my acne is literally gone , I use this acne kit religiously morning and night and sometimes apply real African shea butter at night because the moisturizer will dry your skin but overall my skin is glowing , I no longer have to apply makeup over my acne and I
feel comfortable in my own skin , I would truly advise anyone to invest in this kit because it is the real deal 🙂 .
Works great for my teen son.
We have tried multiple formulas for him and nothing seems to work very well.
Tried this and within two days his skin was looking much better.
By day five I could tell he had much more confidence.
Very please with results and will continue to buy.
This is honestly a really good product! I’m 16, and I have mild acne, I’m not fully covered in it, but I have enough to make me self conscious. I bought this approximately 3-4 weeks ago and it’s such a good product, it’s cleared a lot of my acne. I mainly consisted of having small little bumps around my face and ugh it was such a bother, but this completely took them away. I still get pimples, but not as much as I used to! The mask is also a really great item, I use it once a week and it minimized my pores and smoothed my face. I even use it on pimples overnight and they shrink by a lot. Although I would buy this product again I gave it a 4 because it can be very over drying, well at least towards my skin. I use a hydrating lotion on my face afterwards so it kind of helps, but overall it’s amazing (:
There’s no way this product has as much benzoyl peroxide as the package says it does. I used it for 3 months after quitting proactiv, and saw a mild increase in acne immediately after- though nothing terrible.
Last week I used a friend’s proactiv two days in a row and noticed a vast, *immediate* improvement in my skin tone and clarity- my face was glowing. I noticed a marked, noticeable difference in my skin from just using proactiv twice. When I went back to the equate brand, my skin quality devolved again, sadly. It’s just not as good as proactiv, but I’m hoping something else out there is, because that suff is so expensive. 🙁
On my second set of this 3 piece product. It was about $12-$13 dollars at Walmart. Man, what a deal for such great product. I’ve had acne since I was a kid. Proactiv really helped make them go away. The problem was I didn’t like being suckered into the membership thing with the never ending charges and shipments. Frankly, it just got really expensive. So after my acne improved, I stopped Proactiv. Recently, I realized my acne was coming back because I started feeling some bumps on the sides of my face, and I think it was hormonal. I started researching Proactiv again thinking I might need to start the treatments again, but again, I am seeing the membership requirement. I didn’t want to get sucked in. So I did some research and somehow I came by this 3 piece product. I read reviews of it on by consumers and on here. I purchased it, and it works. My skin has calmed down. My bumps have gone away – replaced by smooth skin. I love it. I use the 3 step system 1-2 times per day. If I use it during the day, then I make sure that my skin is well protected with sunscreen when leaving the house. I think anyone who is looking for an alternative to Proactiv should try this. It’s not packaged as nicely as Proactiv, but it works the same. Note that step 3, or the Benzol Peroxide, kind of smells bad, but it’s not a big deal!
No need to WASTE all that money on PraActiv this works equally as well!! Had a horrendous breakout due to my cycle getting ready to start, this product was recommended to me by a co-worker. THE NEXT DAY all of the redness was gone & the pimples (mainly cystic and painful) had been reduced to unrecognizable little bumps. Within 3 days they were gone, and my entire face was clearer than it probably has ever been.
I do not really struggle with extremely severe acne, EXCEPT for right before my cycle… it gets REALLY BAD REALLY FAST. I am excited to have my hands on a product that is fast acting and effective! LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!! If you struggle with acne— just give this a shot! If you find that it doesn’t work for you (which it probably will)…. Hey, at least this round of otc treatments cost you $11 instead of $110!! 🙂 Seriously though… try it.
Great Value. Just is good as proactive.
Hi everyone,
Little back story: I started getting acne when I was 19 and pregnant with my daughter. I am now 23 and still fighting the acne battle! Oily t-zone. Continuous acne on jaw line, chin, and forehead (occasionally on the cheeks).
I absolutely love this product! I bought it at Walmart for about $11 which is cheap when you consider the fact that you get a facial wash, toner, and moisturizer. I have never used Proactiv due to the price so this will not be a comparison. I have tried many (and I mean MANY) different acne products and this system has delivered the best results. I never give up on a product until I have used it for at least 60 days.
Week 1-2: My worst nightmare!! As some have mentioned, my face became red, extremely flaky, and just looked horrible. My acne was so bad, I would make so many excuses to not leave the house. It was everywhere. Forehead, temples, chin, jaw line, cheeks, nose. EVERYWHERE.
Week 3-4: My face started clearing up and my acne spots that usually linger for weeks were fading faster than normal. Still had acne. 5-6 pimples total (which isn’t much considering what my face typically looks like). I did notice that all of those stubborn blackheads on my nose that strips and mask would never begin to touch started becoming less.
Currently week 5-6: I am absolutely in love with this product. Almost every blackhead is gone and my skin tone has never been so even. My face no longer has blotchy red patches or flakiness. I still have 2 pimples currently which I will never complain about considering I usually have 10-15 active pimples.
Verdict: I would recommend this product to anyone who suffers from acne. I would also warn that it may be hell the first few weeks with all of the peeling, dryness, and horrible breakouts. Stick with it though! Your skin is purging and adjusting to the benzoyl peroxide. This system is far better than anything I have tried previously (Aveeno, Biore, Garnier, Clean n Clear, Neutrogena) and not to mention cheaper!
I gave 4 lippies because my face isn’t 100% clear but it is the best it has looked in years!
I just went out and bought this acne system yesterday and have already used it twice. I was on the search for a new moisturizer because I ran out and I came across this acne system when I was at Walmart. Some friends recommended this system to me so I went online to see reviews and this product has received some very positive reviews. I wanted to buy it immediately but it was always sold out online and they said it was sold out in stores….so I stopped my search for this system, until I just came across it yesterday.
I love this system so far, even though I have only used it twice. It makes my skin super soft and I don’t even follow up with a moisturizer after the three steps. It hasn’t dried out my skin and I can already see that it’s helping to get rid of current acne, so I can’t wait to see what it does to my skin in the long run. Once I have used it longer I will provide and updated review.
UPDATE: So I have been using this for about a week and a half now and I have to say it does clear my skin up very well but my skin is dried out – and that’s my fault. My skin looked so cracked and was so dry that it looked like I had a ton of wrinkles when I smiled or moved my face – and I am still in my teens. I was using this everyday because I was so excited to see how my skin would clear up but I should have known that it would be too drying to use everyday. I’m taking a break from it right now to help my skins moisture return, but I will not stop using it. I will continue to use it about once or twice a week, no more. This doesn’t take away from the great things this acne system does for your skin, it really helps keep acne under control and smooths your skin, just don’t use it every day. I am using a regular gentle face wash along with hydrating moisturizer. I made the mistake of not following up with a moisturizer after step 3 and that was a huge mistake, I cannot stress this enough. But again, don’t let this updated review scare you from trying this, it is really a great product. Just use caution when using it, do not use it everyday, and make sure to follow up with a very hydrating moisturizer and I assure you the results will be amazing.