Category: Polishes
Brand: Chanel
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This is cute color. when I used it in 2 layers, it was looked pink beige. Looked so natural. It’s good for my daily looking nails. So impressed much for this Chanel’s product
I love this color. It’s girly but yet elegant. I don’t have fair skin (medium/tan) so for the color to pop out I use about 4 layers LOL. If I apply 1 or 2 layers, you can barely notice it. After 4 layers, it turns out a soft and deep color, very nice!
I have to say though, for the price tag it chips so ridiculously fast (as my other Chanel polishes) as I stupidly bought all the ones I have at the same time instead of trying one first. Very high maintenance polish. It lasts 2 days before I have to retouch.
Chanel’s Le Vernis (shade Ming) is awesome. I bought some when it was their Limited Edition and gave a bottle to my daughter. Distressed to find they no longer do this colour! I know tons of people who love this colour and if we all wrote to Chanel, maybe they would consider reintroducing it for the summer again?
Come on guys! Consumer Power Unite! haha
Write to me at jay@solomonspeaks if you want this nail colour back on the shelves.
Love and best wishes, Jay from the UK xxx
I bought this lacquer bit impulsive. I was looking for a bright pink and took the first rose I saw at the Chanel counter. When I got home, I was a little bit disappointed that I did not think through my purchases and that the color may have been too sweet. But after I applied it, I was totally in love with it! What a beautiful coral color! It is not as pink as I thought, it is bright coral.
I do not regret a second that I bought it. Expensive, yes, but so worth it! It’s a little shimmer in it but nothing that bothers me, as it has often done with other nail polish. This lacquer is definitely one of my top 5! The staying power is also great. With base coat and two layers it last almost a whole week on me.
Very pretty petal rose with a warm undertone (it is not a blue toned pink) , very conservative, elegant and office appropriate.
Gives your tips some sophistictaed glossy & polished looks.
That said, it’s nothing unique… there are tons of dupes for a shade like this. And, after some days wearing this shade, i find it rather boring -even if it compliments very well my skin tone – and skip to another shade.
3 lippies only for the duration: as with many other chanel polishes, it chips and shows tip wear the very next day (3 coat s, plus top coat, mind you). All in all – an high maintenance polish !
I must confess that I almost never like the way pink nail polish looks on me, aside from very bright fuchsia polishes. That said, I was amazed to discover that Ming is actually incredibly flattering against my strong coloring (olive skin, almost-black hair, and blue eyes) and has rapidly become one of my favorites polishes of all time for both hands and feet. Ming is a milky medium pink with a touch of peachiness that manages to look both sophisticated and fresh at the same time. The formula is wonderful as well: with two coats Ming reaches opacity, and is appropriate for all ages, at all times of the year. How much do I love Ming? Well, let’s just say that for the first time in my life, I have purchased a back-up of a nail polish. Ming has changed my mind about pink indeed.
I am a little surprised at these reviews. I find Ming to be more peachy-orange with a touch of pink. I have heard that some Chanel polishes are slightly different from country to country – I got mine in Quebec (Canada) and it is made in Paris. Regardless, the colour is gorgeous and a subtle, fine glimmer, but unlike other Chanel polishes I have purchased, it goes on very poorly and chips immediately, even using Chanel base and top coats. So, I have to put on two careful coats of colour for decent coverage. Then, I have to spend the next couple days contantly repairing chips…then I finally get PO’d and remove it. After trying honestly 5 or 6 times, I gave up and tossed it. Bummer.
This nail polish is a pretty pink. I’ve been looking for that nice pink forever and now I’ve found it. There is very little shimmer in it and it just looks expensive on my nails, that’s it.
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Chanel Ming is a very classic candy rose pink with tiny shimmers, it applies smoothly like most Chanel nailpolishes, it’s a sweet pink, very girly and great for the Australian spring/summer right now.
I know that a all these pastel pinks can see pretty generic from time to time, but this is probably easily one that I’d reach for quite often. It’s a sweet pink without screaming ‘look I’m wearing such a generic pink’- as soon as I wore this, at least 2 people asked what color I was wearing and commented on how nice it looks.
Here it is with 2 coats, indoor flash:
As with normal Chanel formula, I do find that it is prone to chipping or flaking quite quickly (within 2 days)- I wonder if it’s not compatible with the topcoat I’m using (Seche Vite). I used a basecoat- Orly bonder which is basically translucent too (but obviously didn’t seem to help it last longer with this one).
I love this color – a nice muted warm pink. It’s what I wanted MAC’s Lola Devine to be (Lola Devine ended up being too bright). I like the little bit of shimmer in the polish, but it doesn’t end up showing up too well.
If I ever ran out (not likely), I’d probably buy it again, even though it is way too overpriced for a polish. I just love this shade of pink.