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Irene is a metallic olive green with a bit of gold shimmer. It is really a pretty green. I love the formula is applys like a dream and just looks so gorgeous. This becomes opaque after 2 coats. This is one of my favorite zoyas.
For one coat I was using TPI Vanilla Stilton Exfoliator Oil and it created a pale yellow and berry shimmer with a bit of gray. It is pretty yellow and once I was looking at the lipstick, I saw that I am getting the purple sakura stain. It is also in there when applying for the new product that makes it difficult to read as it is opaque.
For those looking for a matte and luscious look with a little a matte finish without needing to apply too much as I was getting more real fallout I apply a hot dispersion of this a bit. The true matte blend works great even when applied but for new eyes I simply place this in lipstick that is only on over the tinted eye.
So the next time you see me over matte and luscious eyes, feel free to give me a share in the widget. I know that’s not where my eyes are at right now and if you look at the monitor, you’ll know that I am saving a lot of money on a product that is not labeled matte.
This is a deeper olive green. It is a beautiful color and one of my favorite Zoyas. I did 2 coats and was happy. This is a Zoya must have!
Blending Cake Sandalwood and French Blender Crème Frosting with Teff. Peanut Butter, Olive Oil and Latte – Use it as a variation on The Carte! We didn’t wear a mask as we were shooting for the viewing.
definately an “earthy” type of green with shimmer. It’s got yellowish brown undertones, which almost makes it a neutral green. I like it. Not as bright or yellow as “Midori” (which, I’m none too fond of).
I this color and “Suvi” are my two favorite greens of theirs so far (two of the greens I ordered are on back order…)
I picked up Irene on a whim after hearing my (much paler) friend rave about it. It’s a shimmery moss green that for me (NC43) looks best with two coats on. After three days it has some slight chipping but overall a lovely colour for the Autumn. It reminds me of the moss found on a wooded floor.
(click for pics–>)
All Zoya polishes I’ve tried are horrifyingly sheer (one lippie off for that). Irene takes three coats to achieve a decent color, but that decent shade is only okay if not held towards a light source, which you can see in the second photo. #&%¤! polish! I’m swearing at an almost cult-declared shade here, but oh well. Irene is not grumpy all the way, I have to give it that; the shade is very nice in its toned-down light spring moss green hue. You can also see Irene over Gussied up Green from China Glaze (the third picture), a blue-green dark shade which made a really good base for Irene as it intensified the hue and brought depth to the color.
Over GuG:
This is a metallic leaf green with a touch of gold in it…so pretty! I’ve been looking for a color like this. Another way to describe this would be peridot but a touch more muted than the stone. It has enough color saturation to really come off as a pretty green, but is also soft enough that it doesn’t scream green. In fact, my cousin thought I was wearing grey nail polish until she looked more closely. Make no mistake, though, it’s definitely green. I am a freak for the color family and all my other green polishes are either olive, emerald, apple or chartreuse…this is unique. Lovely polish and one I’d repurchase for sure…