Category: Polishes
Brand: Unlisted Brand
Where to buy Elevation Polish – Jengish Chokusu in the USA?
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How to find the best price on Elevation Polish – Jengish Chokusu?
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My love for the 2010 Chanel LE Nouvelle Vague polish is never-ending, and this is the best dupe for it that I have found so far. Jengish Chokusu is a creme polish that is best described as a medium seaglass blue with a touch of green. It is simply beautiful, and the formula is excellent: just the right thickness, nicely opaque in two coats, and self-levelling. The only difference from Nouvelle Vague (including the quality of the formula) is the lack of a very slight shimmer in the Elevation version. And the brush is the standard thin brush included with most nail polish. As for the price, at $8.50 USD this great polish costs a fraction of Chanel. I recommend Elevation’s website, as the shipping is fast.