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This thing is seriously awful! I used to love it about 10-14 years ago, but it did changed since then.
Back then the concept was: you spray it on your nails, wait till surface will become matte and wipe it with a tissue. Now it’s no longer the case. It reacts with top coat and leave matte spots (I hold bottle about 6 inch from my nail). Those spots can’t be whipped with the tissue, they can’t be removed with alcohol…
On the bright side is the fact that it dries nails faster than anything else I ever tried.
But I do regret ordering it online and spraying on my nail. Just ruined the perfect manicure…
P.S. I agree with other reviewers, it smells awful chemicals. Don’t buy it!
(I’ll continue to use Seche Vite drying drops)
I see most of these reviews saying this product does not work and I must disagree. I firmly believe these people are using it wrong, and by that I mean not holding it far enough away from the nail. I held it 6 inches away from my nails and spritzed several times. Not only did my nails dry quicker than usual, it also did not affect the shine of the polish whatsoever. It Also does not smell bad, it smells almost exactly like honeysuckles. I love this product and would definitely buy it again.
I don’t know why this product has so many negative reviews. I’ve used it 3 times this week and I love it. It cuts down my nail painting time from a few hours to just 20 minutes.
Tonight, I used OPI Nail Envy as a basecoat, OPI Guarganutan Green Grape (2 coats), several sprays of Orly Spritz dry, topcoat of clear polish from Urban Outfitters (candy coating/smelling top coats), and then just a few more sprays of this Orly product.
My nails are dry and I just painted them about 10 minutes ago. I just pulled my phone out of my pants pocket WITHOUT ANY MARKS.
The best way to use this product I’ve found is to paint your two coats of paint like normal and then hold the bottle of Spritz Dry 5-6 inches away from your nails just like the bottle says, I spray about 5 sprays all around like a crazy person and then wait 2 minutes before touching your nails. Go in for a top coat and finish off with a few more sprays of Spritz Dry. This stuff works. It smells like hair spray to me but I don’t mind. It’s light and it does moisturize just the tiniest bit like it says.
Give it a try!
I had high hopes. This is such a disappointing, expensive product. This smells horrible like a weird baby powder smell. It leaves a oily residue behind that dulls and leaves my nails matte. To boot this does nothing to dry my nails quicker. Very flawed product. There is no reason to have this.
Skip this, you’re better off spraying alcohol over your hands/nails. This stuff smells weird, won’t dry your nails any quicker and leaves sort of a matte ugly film over polished nails. There’s better stuff out there that will dry nails quicker, plus leave a beautiful shine.
Definitely NOT a great product .. and as a nail junkie .. I’ve tried loads of base and top coats, treatments, drying products, etc.
In theory, I had high hopes for this. Quick spritz across nails and voila … dried polish in a few minutes. However this product does not dry polish as quick as my beloved OPI Drip Dry .. and it leaves an odd “film” on nails/polish that dulls it and doesn’t wash off. Overall, not worth the price at all. I bought 2 bottles with high hopes, and they’re both likely to end up in the trash
I should have read the review before buying , it is the most useless product i’ve ever wasted my money and dont even helps dry nail polish . it makes it dull and sticky , i rather use seche vite topcoat and it is a million times better than using this to dry nail polish faster . absolute waste of money should be taken out of market asap. Worse of all the price i bought it for is unreasonable .
I wish I had read the reviews on this before I bought it. It absolutely does NOT work. As was previously mentioned, it’s sticky and weird and does nothing to make nails dry faster. In fact, it ruined my manicure when I used it. I threw it out. What an absolute waste of money. I’m sticking to OPI Drip Dry for now.
I don’t remember how much this cost, but even getting it for free would be too expensive. This does NOT dry your nails quickly. It makes them sticky. The spray bottle is nice, but useless since the product is so awful. Don’t waste your time.
I like this product, it doesnt make my nails dull or sticky. I adore the smell of it . It has a very fresh floral smell when sprayed and makes my nails shiny. I used to use avon , but the smell of this one made me switch.