Category: Misc Beauty Tools
Brand: Unlisted Brand
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– soft
– shape
– bouncy
– easy to clean
– sheer coverage
– tears easily
– doesn’t last
COMMENTS: This is very soft and bouncy, but tears quite easily and sheers out foundation too much. It does work amazingly for the under eye area due to its shape, but I don’t like the way the sides of the sponge blends my foundation. I prefer to use the pointed corners only as I get more bounce during application. This works best if misted with a setting spray or water, but not completely soaked as I like to have more coverage out of my products. Overall, not worth it. I got less than a month’s use before there was a huge tear and it only worsened after each wash.
Will not repurchase.
Great dupe for Beauty Blender! Like many others mine developed a small tear within first week but that hasn’t affected it’s functionality though. I would purchase again.
EDIT: I also tried the RT Sponge. I like the SOHO better. The SOHO doesn’t soak up as much product and gives more coverage. RT was soaking up too much and making my foundation look too sheer. The RT is much softer than the SOHO sponge and easier to wash since it soaks up more water/soap.
I love this thing! It gives me perfect airbrushed,flawless, even coverage with my BB cream or foundation and concealer, I need to be able to build my products up to full coverage due to hyper pigmentation and this sponge is the best at doing what I need. In the past I have used my Sonia Kashuck synthetic flat top, Sigma duo fiber step long brush/F50 and for heavier application Sigma F60(Typical liquid foundation brush) they all work very well but I feel like this sponge is the best
The end result is just so beautiful. I have not had any problems with the sponge ripping easily like some other reviewers, I’ve used it about 8 times so far and washed it about 5, it is stained from my products but I personally dont mind. I picked this up for about $5 at Wal-mart, and will pick up a few backups the next time I’m there. I say you should at least try it before you buy one of the more expensive sponges, you might like it.