Where to buy Joyful Time Essence Mask – Aloe in the USA?
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I have oily, acneic, aging skin. During the summer my makeup slides off my face by noon but in the winter I need to add more moisture or my skintone gets blotchy.
I bought a sample pack of Mizon sheet masks on Amazon for about $2 per mask. After using MUA Radiance Peel today (which is great for controlling acne), my skin needed a little more TLC than my regular moisturizer so I tried this little gem. Very glad I did, as my skin now looks clearer, moisturized and “bouncy”, and very pampered.
The sheet mask material is a little thin so I had to be gentle when unfolding it, but it covered my whole face and stayed put without slipping. It’s got fragrance that is pleasant but fairly light.
Completely saturated with product but did not slip. I always use up the excess product by rubbing it into my neck, chest and tops of my hands.
I liked this product and definitely recommend. Will buy more and use again. Great for a little extra pampering!