Category: Makeup Brushes
Brand: Sephora Collection
Where to buy Professional Platinum Stippling brush #44 in the USA?
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How to find the best price on Professional Platinum Stippling brush #44?
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LOOOOOVE THIS BRUSH!!! I use this for applying my MAC studio fix foundation and buffing out anything liquid or creamy, and the finish is AMAZING. You can also tell it’s high quality; it rarely sheds and the bristles are easy to clean. It’s definitely on the expensive side (Sephora always is), but it’s totally worth it.
I purchased this brush three days ago at a Sephora counter. I am in love with it. Met my expectations 100%. I use MAC Pro long wear foundation and it goes on great with this stippling brush covering up a lot of my blemishes. I have yet to witness any shedding on mine.
I bought this brush as I received a Sephora gift card and wanted something close to the well-known MAC 187. I had read a review from someone saying they preferred this over the 187, while others said it sheds too much at first. I haven’t had any shedding so far, and this brush works just perfectly for applying foundation. I am definitely happy with it, and I saved a few bucks over MAC’s product