Category: Lotions/ Creams
Brand: Avon
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If you want a hydrating hand cream that softens rough, dry skin, this isn’t quite the product for you. It protects beautifully, but doesn’t seem to penetrate very well. If you want a highly protective shield to lock moisture into your hands—say, after washing and drying, or to protect your hands in the cold, this would be the ticket.
This one is good but the cream version leaves you smelling like a homeless person after a couple of hours. It worked all year but now the snows have come it’s turned crap. My face started to look dry like a pack of chips again. My forehead was asking me to borrow one of Tyra’s Lace Front wigs to hide behind because the skin was so dry.
I feel the same way about this lotion as I do the hand cream.
I am not mad about the smell and I really do not like the feel of it on my skin. It is just sort of a tacky feel to me. One reviewer says it is one of her top sales in her Avon business. When I sold Avon here in the Great Northwest, well…..I rarely got an order for this one. It had nothing to do with my opinion because I rarely talked to my customers. They usually ordered via the phone. Anyway, Avon has a lot of great lotions, but this one is not my favorite.