Where to buy Eau Rose Hand Cream in the USA?
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How to find the best price on Eau Rose Hand Cream?
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absorbs fast
comes with a pump
beautiful packaging
nice rose scent but not just rose itself
does not smell too sweet or artificial
cons –
very thin consistency so not great for very chapped hands
can be a overpowering scent for some people
Since it’s diptyque, I have to talk about the scent first. It’s incredible. Much like Rosa Mundi, it’s strong but not overpowering or obnoxious. I love the scent. The cream is a good consistency, and is readily absorbed. Is it the best hand cream? No. I generally use La Mer hand cream. The size is also tiny for the price, but hey – it’s diptyque. I’m already on my second tube.
Great for your handbag, but not for everyday, all day use. A worthwhile luxury