Category: Lotions/ Creams
Brand: Crabtree & Evelyn
Where to buy Citron, Honey & Coriander Hand Remedy in the USA?
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Love the scent and feel of this mid-weight cream. Not cheap but not cost prohibitive and pleasing packaging.
This is definitely my fave out of all C&E hand cream. This one is actually on the lighter side, doesn’t feel greasy at all and absorb quickly. The smell is light and refreshing, doesn’t give me headache at all
The price is a bit deep though, even though they often have buy 2 get 1 free, but a medium size tube will still cost around $14 bucks after discount. Though I would still repurchase!
I quite like this hand cream! I picked mine up from a Hallmark store and paid around 6 or 7 dollars if I remember correctly. The cap is a little annoying, as others are saying, but I enjoy the overall shape and feel of the packaging. The cream itself absorbs fairly quickly and is pretty moisturizing, especially for the cuticles! This particular scent is very noticeable upon application but it doesn’t really last for very long, which is good if you’re wearing a conflicting perfume, etc. I carry this in my purse with me and I would like to try some of the other kinds!
EDIT 7/9/15
I had an issue with the packaging where the lotion was oozing out of the cap even when closed. I’m not sure what caused this, but it made a huge mess in my purse and I have since thrown this away. I am dropping the packaging rating.
I have not repurchased up to this point.
Packaging – love the look of it but the cap can be hard to screw close, alittle annoying
Fragrance – citrousy + herbal kind of smell. Not too strong nor light scent. I can still smell it after a while of putting it on. For me i wish the scent is abit lighter. That is because i hate strong smelling skincare
Texture -very light, absorbs quickly. Can be used during the day because it is not greasy. Very moisturizing for my dry dry hands.
Cost – pricey
Repurchase – maybe but in a different scent. I got this as a prize from a magazine. To me this brand has very oldfashion and strong scents which does not appeal to me. Its pricey but does work. I just feel that its not my kind of stuff,
One if the best hand creams I have ever tried. It smells unbelievably fresh and clean. The formula sinks in and really does it’s job. My hands stay moisturized for hours. I would definitely buy again if the price was lower.
I think I expected too much from this product. The associate at the store suggested I use this on top of the C&E hand therapy on days when I felt like my hands needed extra moisturizing. I have done this for the past year or so and have not really seen a great difference. My hands are still awfully dry and don’t seem to look any younger. The fragrance is a nice addition and it isn’t particularly expensive, but I think I will use this as a regular hand cream from here on in.
hate this. perhaps because it leaked in my purse, though the lid is screwed on tightly. the smell of it catches in the back of my throat in a cloying way. It’s greasy on 1st application, as most hand creams are, but goes into the skin quickly enough-few minutes. you can have mine
I love this scent and I actually love this texture more than the therapy. I love the therapy as a mask but remedy feels so good. It’s rich but not thick or sticky. If the price makes you doubt a purchase, ask for a sample! You won’t look back.
As I thought with the Hand Therapys I don’t like the tube and the cap. If the excess product dries up around the cap, it’s really hard to screw back on.