Category: Loose Powders
Brand: Colourpop
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This loose setting powder was just okay for me. I bought it in Translucent and don’t think I’d buy it again. I usually apply it to my eye area with a small, dense brush and then go all over with a bigger fluffy brush.
I did enjoy how fine the powder was and it went on okay. It also didn’t break me out at all. The only place I really experienced creasing was my upper eyelids sometimes. I have pretty oily skin, so that didn’t surprise me much. I was surprised at how well it kept my under-eye area from creasing though. That’s usually a big problem for me. However, my oil really does still come through with this powder, and my makeup starts to shift a bit. I think it’d be better for people with less oily skin. I’ve used better powders for the same price.
I also wish the component was a bit wider for my brush. Overall, a pretty average powder.
I don’t mind the Colourpop No Filter Loose Setting Powder, but it’s not my favourite. The container is nice and usable, the lid is good for tapping product into and using a brush with.
The powder itself is powdery, doesn’t blend in super well, and definitely cakes under the eye and in wrinkles/fine lines. Works nicely for baking my contour line, but that’s about it. It emphasizes the texture on my forehead, which can be pimply at times. Rather than keeping my oils at bay, it seems to encourage makeup to slip off my face once I become oily.
The first ingredient is talc, which is bad and the main reason I will not be purchasing this product again. It seems like a good deal, $9 USD for 8.5g, so that works out to $1.06/gram, but Colourpop is often sneaky and charges a very low price to make it seem like a good deal but you only get a very limited amount of product.
For reference, the Milk Makeup (TALC FREE) Loose Powder is $29 USD for 25 g, or $1.16/gram. So Milk is only $0.10 more per gram, you just get WAY more and Milk is talc free! Both are cruelty free and vegan, fyi 🙂