Category: Lipstick
Brand: Besame Cosmetics
Where to buy Enchanting Lipstick in Cherry Red in the USA?
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If you bought this lippie you have hit the RED jackpot! Beautiful bright cherry red (like the name implies). Similar to Revlon’s Cherries in the Snow, but slightly darker & matte. Or if you’re familiar with Avon’s Cherry Jubilee. Oh and FYI, you may want to exercise “caution” in wearing this color at work, if you work with a lot of men. The fellas tend to respond “nicely” to this color! :p
I also like that it’s matte and NOT drying. I’ve been obsessed with liquid lippies for the longest but they can really dry your lips out especially during the winter. This lippie while not too drying stays put somewhat even during drinks.
What I DON’T like is the $22 price tag! I was tempted to buy a few more, but I rarely spend more than $20 for a lippie. Sorry I have my limits! For now, I will say that I won’t buy again, but I might change my mind the more I wear. We shall see.
This is a dark cherry red, more pinot noir in my opinion. Dark and beautiful without making me look like a vampire. The perfect, long lasting dramatic lip.
If you’re stuck in neutrals and want to treat yourself to a change, start here!
This lipstick is indeed cherry red on me… kind of a deep berryish tone red, which is what cherry red should look like in my mind. It’s less pink than MAC Ruby Woo as i feel Besame Cherry Red is darker/deeper.. I have light asian skin that has a yellow undertone for reference.
The reason i give it 4 and not 5 is because when it wears off (which is fairly easily), it looks a bit magenta, which is annoying. Also, it is small for the price and the lipstick doesnt go all the way down into the tube, meaning you have to be careful not to knock the end of it!
picture below… it is slightly less pinky than the picture suggests as this was after it faded a bit:

I like this product a lot, especially after getting it for only $6 on sale. It’s not a true red on me at all, as it looks more pinkish than red. It all depends on skin tone though! I love the smell of it, but the case is not practical at all–I’m afraid of breaking it when I put the cap back on!
This is the best red ever. I wear it day and night and get compliments on it constantly. It’s a gorgeous, saturated cherry red which you can wear as a lipstick or as a stain. It looks great on me in the dead of winter when I’m pale, and at the end of summer when I’m tan. It looked great with henna red hair and it looks great with dark brown hair. You can’t go wrong with this. I only have 2 complaints- 1) The top of the lipstick sticks out over the edge of the tube, even when rolled down. So, you have to be careful not to break it when you put the cap back on. 2) The shipping cost when ordering online is outlandish. It’s like $8 or so, for one tiny tube of lipstick. However, I will still buy another when I’ve used this one up.
This is the most beautiful red lipstick I have ever owned! I have tried reds by ever brand going, yet always struggled to find one which I felt comfortable wearing during the day, but this one is perfect! It’s a deep red, that lasts for ages. The package is absolutely gorgeous too. I live in the UK, so this is expensive to buy & have shipped over, but it’s worth it.
though a very lovely color, i just didn’t like how pink this turned on me. the packaging and quality is lovely though, this stuff really doesn’t budge or bleed for me and i love it for that. hate though how it’s sooo easy to nick the tip with the cap since it doesn’t retreat all the way down in the tube. really pretty color but i would probably not repurchase, just too pink on me.
Cherry Red is the perfect red for everyday–especially for those afraid of red. Applied as a stain, it lasts for hours but does not dry lips. Yes, the case is small, but it is absolutely stunning. Love Besame for bring back glamour and quality.
This is literally the most gorgeous red I have ever seen and I’ve seen them all. This is also my first Besame lipstick and I must say I am truly impressed. I had been looking for a true cherry red for some time now. I absolutely live and die for reds. To me it’s just not lipstick if it isn’t a glamorous and unforgettable red. This is a rich vibrant cherry that lingers on the lips making you look bitten and pouty. I happen to love Matte lipsticks but had pretty much given up on them because they are so drying. I loved Armani’s but he’s phasing his Matte’s out. Nars may have some beautiful colors but that’s where it ends. Nars is very unforgiving of any dryness or imperfection and makes your lips feel like you’ve been on a desert for hours…no thanks! I was ready to call it day where matte’s were concerned till I tried this one. This is a really glamorous red that really looks like you’ve been eating rich vibrant cherries all day and they’ve stained your lips. In fact unlike most lipsticks, when you try to remove this it leaves a stain on your lips that looks like Benefit’s Lip Tint without the sting or bite! The only negative is that although the casing is lovely it’s very impractical. I see what others mean when they talk about how easy it would be to nick or even lop off some of this lipstick every time you go to put the lid on. It’s the first lipstick I have ever seen that does not retract so it would be very easy to nick it with the lid (strange). It’s also a very tiny stick of lipstick which blew me away. It looks like one of those Avon sample lipsticks only slightly bigger (and that’s kind of crazy for what you spend). All in all I do think it’s worth the money. Not too thrilled with the shape though (would prefer the standard pointed lipstick as it makes application a bit tricky) but this is highly pigmented lovely lipstick.
OMG this is a red that is not for the weak ..this is a matte red, that will get you noticed. As others have said…you can not have chapped lips if your using this!
The tube is just the cutest thing at about 2 inches tall and the velvet bag is just as sweet
Followed directions on how to apply, or use a lip brush, I have blotted my lips three times now sipping a cup of coffee and not one stain on the cup.