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I love Rohto lip products, especially their unscented lip moisturizer with SPF, so when I saw that they’ve come up with a version in tints, I was really excited to try it. I usually buy my lipstick with SPF from Etvos, another organic Japanese brand, but they’re really pricy at 2600 JPY. This Rohto lippie comes in three shades, Perfect Red (the shade I got), a pink and a coral, and it costs just 495 JPY. It’s unscented, and the color is a beautiful sheer red. The problem is that it tends to bleed outside lip lines very easily. Also, the product is very emollient, so it doesn’t go back down in the bullet easily. I can imagine this melting and being mess in hot weather. I will not repurchase, but will stick with the untainted version.