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After all the rave reviews from other sites, I expected this product to be better. It has basically no pigmentation so you really need to dig to get it to show up. You need to use primer, setting spray and a liquid highlighter underneath because this is basically a few chunks of glitter. Packaging is cheap cardboard packaging.
Meh. They are beautiful to look at in the pans. Some shades apply better than others but Magic had the worst fallout of glitter. Unicorn and Ethereal look very similar on the skin. Wish and Sunshine are the most unique out of the palette, and Regal applied the best.
The good thing about this kit is that it seemed to have been formulated with the least amount of a white base, so it won’t give a chalky look on darker skin.
I like it, but I’m not wowed by it. I tried using it on the eyes and inner corners with Fix + and it was pretty lackluster.
I’ll keep it and keep using because its not terrible, but it takes some work to get them to show up properly.
EDIT: I feel like if you apply it with a dense-ish eyeshadow crease brush, and really buff it into the skin it does work well and looks really pretty. It builds well. I had tried with a fan brush, and the RT setting brush but I had a harder time picking up the product with them.
The Anastasia Beverly Hills Dream Glow Kit is much more glitter a lot less glow. I thought I would love this palette as I really loved the MoonChild Glow Kit. I was wrong. Once this is applied it really looks like glitter and sparkles everywhere. The worse part is near the end of the day you are left with a face full of glitter everywhere. So I realized I couldn’t use this as a highlighter so instead I tried using it as eye shadow and an eyeshadow topper. That was a fail as well. Near the end of the day I had glitter fallout everywhere as well. My video can be seen here for swatches, but remember, the glitter will end up everywhere… Q