Where to buy Flash & Go Hair Removal Device in the USA?
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With patience/diligence, I’m getting great results from this product. I’ve been using it for approximately 3-4 months, so 7-8 rounds per area, and I have started seeing bare patches and very slowed growth (this means the hair is falling out AFAIK) after usage #5.
Sure, it’s pricey ~$250 &, frankly, time-consuming, but much cheaper than multiple laser treatments (and shaving or waxing takes time, too). All in all, I am a big fan of the Silk’n Flash ‘n’ Go! I have very fair skin (MAC NW15/PPP) and dark brown hair, for reference.
I’ve been using this for about 3 months now and have been seeing good results. My hair used to be super course and would grow out even just after a couple hours after shaving, i was getting terrible ingrown hairs and it was driving me nuts. The instructions say to use this once every two weeks but at first I used this way more often, I just felt like I needed to. 3 months later, I’m not completely hair free but my legs hair is growing much slower and much thinner. It doesn’t hurt to shave anymore and I don’t need to do it after often. I took a lippie off because I’ve also been using this on my armpits and haven’t seen a difference there at all.
I would not recommend this product. I recently used it on my legs and now I have spots of hyperpigmentation that I am worried will never go away. I have olive skin and dark hairs so I should be an ideal candidate.
To me, it is not worth taking a chance of having permanent damage to your skin. I’m so upset over this and disappointed in this product.
Edit December;
I had to come back and change my review for this. I’ve been using it on and off since the summer and I’m noticing a big difference in my legs now. There is hardly any hair left growing and it grows back incredibly slow. I shave maybe once a month now and I haven’t even used the device in weeks.
The dark spots I thought were hyperpigmentation turned out to be burns and healed and were fine.
So now I would say I definetly recommend it, just stick to it and eventually you may see pretty good results.
Edit December 2018
This thing really works. I haven’t even used it in about a year and my legs have barely any hair on them anymore.
This works really well for me. I’ve been quite inconsistent at using it yet it still works. I have a lot of dark coarse hair on my legs, underarms and bikini area which grows back ridiculously fast after shaving. Typically, if I want smooth skin everyday, I would need to shave every morning.
Initially, about 2 years ago when I got it, I used it as recommended and it took several months, every couple of weeks to see any change. Finally the most significant change has been on my legs, probably because my legs can tolerate higher power levels which apparently works more efficiently at getting rid of hair. My underarm and bikini zone are more sensitive so I don’t turn the power up very high, which is maybe why it has taken longer to see changes.
After using the device somewhat as directed, it started taking weeks (& months) for hair to start growing back. Anything that did grow back was barely noticeable; very thin, and much more sparse than ever. I’ve noticed less obvious success on my upper lip and chin, maybe because the hair in these areas is blonde and very light.
I stop using it in the summer because I like to get a tan and the Flash&Go doesn’t work well with dark skin. When I used it with darker skin, it stung too much (it’s the same feeling as zapping any hairs that were missed when shaving or zapping a tattoo, both which I have done).
Oh! After owning this machine for about two years, I realized that I can just hold the trigger and slide the device to the next area, (down my leg) … all this time I was pulling the trigger each time :S
Note: If you miss any hairs when shaving (especially in the Bikini area), the laser might sting or pinch. I compare it to getting snapped by a small rubber band.
I love this thing.
This worked absolutely amazing for me. Unfortunately, I have a bad case of PCOS, which means I have (had!) hair EVERYWHERE. Chest, abdomen, face, neck, you name it. The most embarrassing was my chest. I had to wear high shirts because shaving and plucking did nothing and I’d have to cover the disclored and bumpy area with makeup. I felt like a man and it definitely had a huge effect on my self confidence because I couldn’t wear trendy clothes.
I bought this when it was on sale on Ultas website. When I received it I immediately started treatments on my chest. Honestly I did not expect it to work after the mixed reviews. I did it a little differently and did multiple treatments a week and doubled over areas which it says to NOT do but I think you need to use it more frequently to get faster and better results. I also treated my stomach, arms and bikini area. I always used it on the highest level 5.
After about two weeks I went to pluck and shave my chest and I noticed that a lot of the hair I was plucking was just falling out. I had real laser hair removal on my face and that’s the same thing that happened. I was so excited! After about two weeks my chest was 60% clear! I was able to wear a shirt that showed my chest without having to cover with makeup. Even if it didn’t remove any more hair it had already greatly reduced the appearance and I would have been happy if that was all it did. But it just kept getting better. My chest is about 90% clear, smooth, and I can’t ever stop touching it because there’s no prickly stubble!!! There’s still a few spots of hair but nothing some plucking or shaving can’t take care of and now you can’t even notice it.
I did the same multiple weekly treatments with my abdomen and the results are similar. It’s not completely clear but I’d say there’s a 60% reduction as well. My bikini area only is clear in patches but I’ve never treated that area nearly as frequently as the others. I have two big patches missing though. My arms are about 40% gone which still makes a huge difference with shaving and irritation.
One thing I noticed is that when I think it kills the hair, it will push the root out and make it look like you have little black bumps on your skin (super tiny like a blackhead). I had to squeeze these lightly like a pimple to get them out on my chest and arms. Sometimes this left a mark but it went away with gentle exfoliation.
Overall I’m so so happy with this and despite the small treatment size and the fact that it takes a bit longer than real laser hair removal, I would definitely say this is a lifesaving product. You just need to give it time and extra frequent treatments
Poor customer service!! I ordered this product online and waited to receive my product. Little did I know that they had CANCELLED my order – until I checked my order status! I contacted their customer support and they said there was an automated email sent when they cancelled – which I never received, even after checking my spam folders. They didn’t bother to call even though I had my phone number with my order, or send any emails until I contacted them. When speaking to them, they gave me an explanation about the cancellation but no incentive to continue with my order or confidence that I would receive good customer support with the product. There was a small problem with my order that could be fixed with a simple call, and if I felt they valued my business then perhaps I could just re-order but they lost my business.
I’ll start by saying that I really really wanted this to work. I’ll also bluntly say that it didn’t. I bought this right around christmas time in 2015 and had such high hopes. I’m the “perfect candidate.” I’m pastly pale (like sparkle in the sun, pale) and I’m also a little italian so my hair is dark and coarse. Perfect, I though. Wrong! There are a few reasons why I was so disappointed with this product. The obvious being that I didn’t see any effect. I have used this every two weeks as recommended for the last year on my leg (just one) and have no results. Why did I use this on just one leg? Because my right lag is tattooed and it’s not supposed to be used over them. I assume because they don’t know what will happen, yet, if you do. Needless to say, this was probably the best way to keep track of the progress.. just compare legs! Wel, there was nothing to compare after about 5 months.
After 5 months I started using this every week. I ended up with thinner hairs, but not any smooth surfaces. So, I called the company… They told me to stop using it every week as the growth cycle is two weeks so every week does nothing. But simple math shows that using it every week is also using it every two weeks, so that didn’t make sense but I went back to every two weeks.. 6 months in, still nothing.
I then called the company for a refund. I don’t have a receipt so the simple answer was just a flat out no. Why? I have the product… I have the card I bought it on.. and it doesn’t work. Their costumer service is not great, to say the least.
It also desensitizes your skin. I know that sounds weird, but it does! At first I thought I was crazy but then realized, I, in fact, am not. One day out of the shower I dried my leg (s) to use this but it was humid so there was still moisture. I pulled out a blow dryer and used it along my calf to make sure my skin was nice and dry as the company says it should be. I couldn’t feel the air on my leg! No matter how close I got or how high the heat was, I felt nothing. I thought this was strange, obviously, so I tried it on my right leg (the one I was not using the product on) and I could feel the heat and air.
I should mention that I do use this on the highest setting, which is 5. it hurt a little to begin with but over time, it stopped. I thought I was just building tolerance, but turns out I just can’t feel anything on the surface of my skin.
It has been a year now. My hair is thinner, and grows back a tiny bit slower, which is why I gave two stars instead of one, but I am not anywhere near hairless. I am just out of a bunch of time (that I probably could of used working to afford real laser hair removal) and $300.
I wouldn’t recommend this product to anyone.
First I have fair skin tone and my hair are light (on my legs) and very coarse (underarm).
12 years of shaving everyday are now done!
I bought this on may. Îve been using it for 5 months and I can see BIG changes.
On my legs: missing spots of about 70% of my hair are gone.
Underarm and private parts: hair is way less coarse. I couldn’t go a day without shaving and now, i can easily expand 4 days without doing my underarm! Tho, less spots are missing. I think my hair have to go lighter before it falls…
This machine works very well for fair skin tone with light-medium hair.
It took me 15 min the first months. But as the hair fell, i can see îve missed spots (shape of the tip) so now it takes me 45 min for legs only (once in a Month). Did I tell you it is ouchless?!?
I recomend this products for all ladies with the right skin tone, you need this!
Oh and no problem with the light! I bought the 120 000 flashes and no problem!
First, I would like to say that I have gone to the actual dermatologist for hair removal and it worked – AMAZING! So when seeing this item on TV I knew my skin and hair type would be perfect for it, and at that price, I could do everything for WAAAY cheaper…..wrong.
-Super small laser area
-Took me upwards of 2 hours to do my legs and arms
-Used highest setting with zero results
-Took soooo much time and effort to do it
-Cannot watch TV while doing it because the fan is so loud
-Got little brown freckles after using it (that’s scary)
-Made zero impact on hair growth, and I used it MORE than what was suggested
-Burnt me in areas
Yes, going to a dermatologist is expensive, but it actually WORKS. This thing did NOTHING. Glad I got my money back. Do not buy unless you have a money-back guarantee!!
At my age I’ve tried it all to remove hair, remember those horribly painful epliator machines! Waxing, electrolysis, laser. My hair was so thick I would have five o’clock shadow on my lower legs and bikini line. I tried the tria and had good results on my lower legs but with head being so small it took forever and it was too painful for the bikini area. Yes I am the perfect candidate pale skin and dark hair.
I purchased the flash n go in October and started treating evey two weeks. I’ve done toes, top of feet, legs, bikini, stomach, and underarms. Amazing results. I can easily go without touch up shaving for a week. My bikini area has never looked better and I’ve been using the highest setting the entire time and barely any pain. The only pain is if I miss a hair or two shaving…then it made me jump.
After 35 years I now know what it feels like to have girl skin, meaning smooth and hair free. I only wish this product would have been around when I was younger.
My first cartridge needs replacement, I purchased the machine with 5000 flashes and just purchased the lifetime cartridge. Oh and I’ve also treated my chin and upper lip, just touch up as I’ve had the lip hair lasered off a couple of years ago. highly recommend this product so much cheaper than professional treatments and done in the privacy of my home.