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To me this smells like a cross between Christian Dior Dune X The Body Shop White Musk, with a little whisper of lemon and orange flower blossoms. Its not a gourmand. Definitely oriental, warm and cosy with a rich white musk and amber (not listed in the notes) base. Some people might find it too masculine as it is rich, and gives a slight aftershave vibe. I think it could easily be worn by a man. Strange, as I don’t like either of those perfumes, or masculine scents. But I like the way Guerlain has added a subtle touch of orange blossom to lighten it to give it a “souffle”, or “breath” in french, or of fresh air. In warmer months a single spray is very rich and lasts me all day. One spray on a scarf lasts me for weeks. I keep getting wafts of deliciousness in the warm breeze. I don’t think its office friendly in warm months as its very strong. But just a single spray in the cooler months may be ok.
Top Notes: lemon, bergamot, mandarin
Heart Notes: Indian Sambac jasmine, orange blossom water
Base Notes: Vanilla, white musk.
The area in which I live got a Mecca recently. I had the opportunity to test several Frederic Maille’s that had eluded me in the past.
It was food for thought. I’m not comparing a perfume like ‘Parfum du Therese’ to Souffle directly but sometimes a classic perfume doesn’t need to do much to be desirable (its reputation precedes it) while a new one faces intense scrutiny. I find the watermelon in Souffle to be quite strong at first, but it’s very engaging and well balanced. It bears no resemblance to Shalimar; Guerlain has used the pillar fragrance to attract a new audience. I love Shalimar Cologne 2015, a cross between Eau de Shalimar (discontinued) and aspects of Parfum Initial. Souffle is clever, a lovely summer cologne, one that I have used liberally in the warmest summer we have had in history. I carry the 30 ml in my handbag, it’s one you can apply without it being overpowering, office, children friendly. Let’s not get hung up on the Guerlain classics, they’re great and I own them all, but rather think of the new additions as ‘en famille’ a grandchild perhaps, not restrained by the trappings of the past.
I actually really like this perfume. I wish though that it wasn’t under the Shalimar name because if this was made in a different bottle and named something else I think people would love this scent more. I think it being compared to Shalimar so strongly is kinda unfair imo. But I’m the type who just loves to wear a good perfume names don’t matter too much to me. Onto to the scent I really love the citrus opening if the bergamot was stronger it would probably be a touch more Shalimar like. But I love the citrus opening of this it smells so fresh but not clean just fresh and citrusy. Then as it goes on I get the beautiful Jasmine with the orange blossom it’s lovely. Finally I like the vanillas and I’m a musk lover so I enjoy this a lot!
What I love is that the white musk is not laundry like at all. To me it’s a smooth sweet musk that pairs well with the vanillas. As I type this I catch whiffs of the vanilla and I really adore it. I bought this on a blind buy due to my love of white florals so I’m super happy! I purchased the 3oz bottle and I adore the bottle….. so pretty! I would buy this again it’s wonderful. But I would also like Pafume initial brought back I just wanted to throw that out as that was very Shalimar like so why it was d/c’d is beyond me?!? I want to get this in the intense as I do wish this was a bit stronger. Still this is a lovely scent so I’m a happy girl.
The original Shalimar is great, but I find it a bit overwhelming, even though I love heady oriental scents. I guess I’m not brave enough yet to pull of the original Shalimar.
Yesterday my SA showed me this one, and oh my…. it is perfect! It’s exactly what I look for in an allround scent. It’s sweet, heady, elegant and sensual. It reminds me of Voile d’Ambre by Yves Rocher, but less agressive. I wore Voile d’Ambre on my honeymoon a few years ago and this Shalimar reminds me so much of it. All the happy feelings come back to me. Even though I came a long way since my honeymoon and I no longer wear the Yves Rocher scent, I feel that Shalimar Souffle de Parfum embodies the transformation I made from a girl to a woman. More developped and wiser, happy with who I am but never forgetting who I once was.
Cloying it isn’t, and even less unflattering!!! This is a beautiful delicate scent, still has the Guerlain recognizable vibe, but it’s is called souffle, which in French means this is a lighter, softer version of a great classic..I never liked the original Shalimar, although it is a masterpiece,, it wasn’t for me..too much..I enjoy Souffle, airy, delightful, and very elegant!! I detect citrus notes, and some vanilla on wood and Jasmine..nice creation!! It takes a great nose to create a lighter airy version of a cult scent, and to manage to retain some of its identity.!!!
This literally has nothing to do with the original Shalimar, so why they would name is after Shalimar is astounding. This is a very sweet and light fragrance. I might give it a better review, but it’s nothing special. It’s cloying and unflattering. Stay away!
Even though I wouldn’t buy again (and in fact returned to store) I think this is the only Guerlain fragrance I have ever liked!! I just really really really dislike the Guerlain signature base and was so shocked when a sales assistant recommended this as a fresher Guerlain and it was indeed. I thought it was pleasant enough but it had poor lasting power (oh those citrus scents you are killing me with your disappearing acts) and upon wearing for the day wasn’t all that special or worth $100. Try though – unless you are a hardcore Guerlain addict and then you will be disappointed for sure! Testing would be a great idea and not the impulse FB buy – 
The previous poster is absolutely right. This has none of the mavgic of the original. It’s just yet another aquatic, citrusy, boring juice that some people believe is obligatory for summer. Shalimar ozonic, laundry-like?! Sacrilege! Heresy!
Why, oh WHY, can’t these companies leave classics well enough alone? Why can’t they be honest and give new names to their creations when they cater to the “natural,” girly, Eau de Mallrat contingent, instead of desecrating the old classics? Maybe because they need the reputation and the charm of the old classics to actually SELL the new mainstream stuff?
I knew Guerlain – as most other traditional designer companies – was going down the hill when they reformulated Mitsouko. I wrote them a terse letter and never forgave them for that.
And no, it’s no good giving me excuses of any kind. That’s like saying it would be ok to whitewash the Mona Lisa because it offends some bigoted cretin somewhere. It is simply NOT done. And I am adamant in my opinion.
I didn’t want to believe it but we are obviously facing the end of an era. Guerlain is no random perfume house and Thierry Wasser is no random perfumer. And yet they released this one. Hard to believe.
I didn’t have high hopes but tried Souffle de Parfum without prejustice. Didn’t expect it to be very similar to the regular Shalimar either but that’s about as related to Shalimar as L’eau d’Issey.
The top is all about sweet but ozonic mandarine, the middle is just sweet/clean orange blossom and the base is loaded with sweet laundry musk.
A simple composition indeed but not in a straightforward uplifting way such as in Acqua Allegorias. I’d like to elaborate more but there’s simply nothing more to say.
If you think that Guerlain had started going downhill with La Petite Robe Noire wait to try this.
If you think that Shalimar Parfum Initial was far from Shalimar wait to try this.
If you think that the majority of celebrity fragrances are plain and boring wait to try this.
On the bright side:
A. I didn’t have to suffer long since it vanished fairly quickly.
B. They probably can’t do much worse than that ”reinventing” Shalimar so there must not be much more disappointment in the future.
If this one comes from Guerlain I can’t imagine what’s to be expected from lesser perfume houses.
That’s all folks!