Category: Fragrances
Brand: Guerlain
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Notes from Fragrantica: Top note is calabrian bergamot; middle notes are italian jasmine and ylang-ylang; base notes are white musk, vanilla and benzoin.
This is gorgeous, but all of the reviewers saying it smells like a lemon dessert are way off. No lemon, no dessert. This is a bright bergamot and almost green jasmine floral in the opening—sharp, a bit bitter, the opening reminds me definitely of original Souffle but also the bitterness of Angelique Noire. This is in no way gourmand, so if you’re looking for a sweet lemony confection, keep looking. That’s not to say it doesn’t sweeten a bit in the drydown, it totally does. The benzoin, vanilla, and soft musk warm this up considerably and make it less sharp and green overall. Not much actual Shalimar DNA in this flanker of a flanker, but definitely a similarity to Souffle, which is my most difficult one to wear overall. Still, the bottle alone is worth the blind buy for me, and I still smell great.