Category: Fragrances
Brand: Unlisted Brand
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I normally don’t like anything cherry scented. But I really like this because the vanilla makes it so sweet and creamy. It’s light, soft and never cloying. I have so many fragrances though, and this is not one I reach for often, so I don’t think I’d repurchase. But it’s a great light scent when I want to be super feminine.
I’ve been on a “Cheap Thrills” fragrance kick lately and have sampled nearly everything my local Wally World has to offer. My discoveries have been a couple of wonderful old favorites (Emeraude and Wind Song), a great new find (Jovan White Musk), and some pretty rank crap I’ll just file under C for Cheap and It Shows. Into that category go Parfums de Coeur Skin Muck (sorry, I mean Musk), Coty Vanilla Musk, and this one. I don’t think it smells like either vanilla or cherry. It does remind me of Exclamation, which I wore in junior high and my first year of high school. But a cheaper version of Exclamation (if that’s possible).
My love affair with this perfume is a new one. I had not read anything about it or even smelled it before but I have been out of my nicer expensive perfumes for quite some time and really missed having a sent that lingered longer than shower gel and body spray. I picked this up because it was cheeeeap and smelled it out of curiousity, having really no intention of purchasing it but I sort of fell in love. right out of the bottle it smacks you in the face with artificial cherry scent but that wears off quickly into a very lovely vanilla blend. I would get this again for sure. I wish the bottle were more attractive but I guess they were keeping cost down, could really do with an update though. Looks like its right out of the 80s.
I love this. It smells like tart cherries, musk, and a hint of vanilla to me. It reminds me of something from my past that I can’t put my finger on. It makes a really good air freshener. I paid $8 at Walmart for 1 oz. Sweet deal.
So, it’s almost summer and the weather is heating up. Time for perfume in a can! It feels like a blast of cold air going on and it’s both cheap enough and light enough to wear all over. I’ve been curious about the cherry red can with the cute logo for a while. As far as middle school goes, this one is a little after my time, so I didn’t have any memories jolted by trying this on. The scent is light and pleasant, not too cloying at all, and makes me really, really want a cherry vanilla coke. It ain’t haute couture but it’ll do on chore day.
I know I shouldn’t like this but I just can’t help myself. It doesn’t cost much and it’s a light, fresh scent. I wore this for many years when I couldn’t afford more expensive fragrances. Although I can afford better sprays now, I find myself longing for this one. I think I’ll buy some again the next time I see it.
I don’t know how fair it is for me to review this, as I have middle school/high school trauma from girls who wore either this or something very similar to this in overwhelming amounts. And it was almost always a certain type of girl. For the first hour or so, this smelled like (to me) cheap ho trying to hide behind the mistaken innocence of artificial cherry candy. It’s the muskiness mixed with cherry that gets to me. I don’t get any vanilla until about two hours later, when the artificial cherry fades and becomes sweeter and the initial cheap muskiness fades a bit. It’s not that bad, really, but it reminds me of things I’d rather not be reminded of.
This is a very comforting cherry vanilla scent, heavy on the vanilla. The price is good. The screw top isn’t the best of course. The lasting power is pretty good too.
I love this fragrance!!! Very strong and heavenly. I dislike that you can’t spritz it… I will repurchase.
I really like this scent! I bought it at Walmart after smelling it on someone else. I think I paid around $10. The bottle is not particularly pretty, but that’s ok. I actually don’t smell the cherry so much, just vanilla. It smells good and lasts on me, it is a warm, comforting smell. I have had several compliments and people asking me what it is and where to find it. And I wear high end perfumes as well, and still really like this so hrumph!