Where to buy Slide On Pencil – Tropical Green in the USA?
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I’m really sad about this eyeliner. I have several different colors of this slide on liner, and I was excited about this one because I LOVE the color. However, it doesn’t have the same staying power as the other colors (or at least the ones I have). If you only wear this on your top lashline you’d probably be fine, but when I wore it on my waterline it smudged a lot within 3ish hours.
I used to have a l’oreal liner that was the perfect green for me. It had a touch of blue in it and had zero longevity.
Well, I have found the color in a pencil that stays on as long as I want. Tropical Green has shine but nothing over the top or glittery.
Ok, where to start. I wanted a new green liner to replace my old one, and I researched, and researched and finally decided THIS is the color. Then to find a store that sells Nyx around. Unfortunately, the closest Harmon’s closed before I had ever gone there, which is a bummer because I like that store. But on Nyx’s site it listed Sears so I headed over. I asked about the return policy and they said I couldn’t return once opened. Ok STOP. I’m not going to be buying much from them then, since I like the security of being able to return cosmetics. So I figured I could get this since I wanted it soooo badly. I even was in Macy’s earlier and swiped a line of the Urban Decay 24/7 sample to compare.
I uploaded the first pic. So when I swipe the Nyx liner, THE TIP BROKE!! I didn’t even push hard, but the fact that it fell off that easily was a huge turn off. I called the company because that’s just way too soft for an eyeliner. I got Sear’s to exchange it for me! And since, I’ve been more careful with the tip (still have not sharpened, but could see that being a royal pain). The only issue NOW is that it really doesn’t stay on the waterline. Kind of surprised. Thought it had great staying power. It does on the hand at least. It was on for days. Still adore the color though.
So I don’t own the UD and I only swatched the Nyx before it broke so I can’t comment on longevity other than today. And I’ve had both on for hours and they actually stay, even with rubbing and using my hand. So that’s great. They are both shimmery, but the UD is a bit more so, and the Nyx is a deeper green. I actually prefer the Nyx, so my research was spot on. I also put a bit in my lower water line and the color is astounding. Makes my eyes pop without looking too light (I prefer darker liners or I’ll feel like I’m just wearing shadow). So for that I would give it a 5. However, if I spend most of the time sharpening it and wasting it, I won’t be a happy person.
End result: I really love this line. I now have 8 of them and I really do like them and haven’t had issues with breaking again. Not only that, the color pay off is definitely worth it. This is the color I’ve had the most issues with IN the water line, but since then, I have used it mostly below the bottom lash or on the upper lid. I find generally this line travels when put in the water line or are too light to show/pick up color in the waterline, so I stuck to top and under lash use. This is such a deep metallic green, I really love it and have learned how to make it work best. I also find in a smudge test on my hand that it doesn’t smear as fast as other brands or other colors in the same line. Would get it again!
I’m really sad about this eyeliner. I have several different colors of this slide on liner, and I was excited about this one because I LOVE the color. However, it doesn’t have the same staying power as the other colors (or at least the ones I have). If you only wear this on your top lashline you’d probably be fine, but when I wore it on my waterline it smudged a lot within 3ish hours.
I used to have a l’oreal liner that was the perfect green for me. It had a touch of blue in it and had zero longevity.
Well, I have found the color in a pencil that stays on as long as I want. Tropical Green has shine but nothing over the top or glittery.
Ok, where to start. I wanted a new green liner to replace my old one, and I researched, and researched and finally decided THIS is the color. Then to find a store that sells Nyx around. Unfortunately, the closest Harmon’s closed before I had ever gone there, which is a bummer because I like that store. But on Nyx’s site it listed Sears so I headed over. I asked about the return policy and they said I couldn’t return once opened. Ok STOP. I’m not going to be buying much from them then, since I like the security of being able to return cosmetics. So I figured I could get this since I wanted it soooo badly. I even was in Macy’s earlier and swiped a line of the Urban Decay 24/7 sample to compare.
I uploaded the first pic. So when I swipe the Nyx liner, THE TIP BROKE!! I didn’t even push hard, but the fact that it fell off that easily was a huge turn off. I called the company because that’s just way too soft for an eyeliner. I got Sear’s to exchange it for me! And since, I’ve been more careful with the tip (still have not sharpened, but could see that being a royal pain). The only issue NOW is that it really doesn’t stay on the waterline. Kind of surprised. Thought it had great staying power. It does on the hand at least. It was on for days. Still adore the color though.
So I don’t own the UD and I only swatched the Nyx before it broke so I can’t comment on longevity other than today. And I’ve had both on for hours and they actually stay, even with rubbing and using my hand. So that’s great. They are both shimmery, but the UD is a bit more so, and the Nyx is a deeper green. I actually prefer the Nyx, so my research was spot on. I also put a bit in my lower water line and the color is astounding. Makes my eyes pop without looking too light (I prefer darker liners or I’ll feel like I’m just wearing shadow). So for that I would give it a 5. However, if I spend most of the time sharpening it and wasting it, I won’t be a happy person.
End result: I really love this line. I now have 8 of them and I really do like them and haven’t had issues with breaking again. Not only that, the color pay off is definitely worth it. This is the color I’ve had the most issues with IN the water line, but since then, I have used it mostly below the bottom lash or on the upper lid. I find generally this line travels when put in the water line or are too light to show/pick up color in the waterline, so I stuck to top and under lash use. This is such a deep metallic green, I really love it and have learned how to make it work best. I also find in a smudge test on my hand that it doesn’t smear as fast as other brands or other colors in the same line. Would get it again!
I am a loyal fan of my UD Perversion eyeliner pencil, but I picked up a NYX slide on pencil, because I feel in love with the color of Tropical Green. And I have a huge weakness for greens! As soon as I put it on, I was literally amazed! It had nearly the exact same texture as my UD pencil, and was gorgeous on my waterline.
If you’re not willing to spend the money on UD pencils, these are a perfect dupe for you. The color range is even almost as amazing as UD’s!
I will definitely be picking more of these up! But I can’t see myself replacing Perversion just yet ;D
I am in love with these slide on liners, I have tried the UD liners and these are very very very very similar in terms of glide, color selection, and staying power. I live in Texas and 100+ days are the majority of the summer and the fall and spring are usually always in the 90s or high 80s. Humidity is high as well. These liners stay put once they set, and I actually have to use makeup remover to get these off! I never have to do that. This color is so unique and so beautiful, its the darkest of the greens that NYX offers in this line and I think it’s the most wearable…however…I couldn’t figure out HOW to wear this! It’s bright so you can wear it with a neutral eye for a big color pop, but I prefer wearing this on my bottom lash line with a bronze eye. The color really brings out the bronze tones and it looks very sophisticated. I highly recommend this if you are afraid to wear bold color but want a pop of something unique and fun in your makeup life!