Where to buy Faux Whites Eye Brightener in the USA?
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How to find the best price on Faux Whites Eye Brightener?
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I really love NYX eyeliners, they come in beautiful colors and are so cheap. I bought the Linen shade (pale peachy pink) to color in my lower waterline. I wanted it to clean up and shadow, liner, or mascara that had migrated onto the waterline during application, and to lighten the waterline to make my eyes look bigger. Now because I put this directly on my waterline, it doesn’t last all day (which I never thought it would), but it does achieve everything else I wanted. It cleans up waterline from other makeup, it makes my eyes look bigger, it looks so much more natural than the white liner I have (MUFE Aqua Eyes) and has a better glide and consistency than MUFE. It probably only lasts three hours or so, nothing spectacular, but I still use it everyday and keep it in my travel makeup kit for family portraits, weddings, etc. for quick touch-ups if needed. For the price (especially if it’s on sale), I really can’t go wrong. I will purchase this again.
Wonderful as eye brighteners and subtle inner corner highlight effect! These come in a variety of pastel colours – cream, mint, baby blue, pale lilac and pale pink. The lilac one (white smoke) contrasts my eye colour and makes it look quite striking.
Staying power is decent and they are quite cheap. I own 5 separate colours, I like them that much!