Where to buy 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil in Covet in the USA?
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How to find the best price on 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil in Covet?
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These eyeliners are awesome. I am sensitive to most eyeliners and Urban Decay’s 24/7 eyeliners do not irritate at all. They are highly pigmented and apply so easily. I have noticed that the eyeliner stays put all day. The covet color is such a pretty green that compliments my hazel eyes so well.
Being a ‘green eyed beauty’, always what my Mom calls me & what I call my Son,
I just had to try this one. I was not that impressed from the Sephora website swatches, but when I swiped my hand in the store, I was delighted with the color! I am even more delighted with the color on my green eyes. It has the green that shines through compared to let’s say Deviant, but it also has the teal color that makes the green in my eyes really show through with the green in the Covet.( If that makes sense?) It is more of a beautiful emerald sea green, rather than a green grass kind of green and I prefer that. A lot of greens just do nothing for my green eyes, but rather get lost somehow in the translation. When the green has a blue added to the mix, it really does make a huge difference for making my green eyes pop. I love this color! No wonder they chose the name Covet. I can see that ladies who see this shade on a green eyed lady would really want for it & the eye color to go with it. I am very pleased I went to the store and checked this color out rather than pass it by due to the untrue swatches on the website. A+ on this shade Urban Decay!
Gorgeous dark teal green color with a little bit of glitter. Sadly, I left the lid off of it and it dried up so badly that I can’t use it anymore unless I melt it with my lamp