Category: Eye Shadow
Brand: Mac Cosmetics
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This is one of those colors that is an “in between” color that I am always looking for. It is a color that can go “in between” a two other colors and make them look great. With black and yellow, with wine and silver, with dk. purple and light violet etc… I don’t think I’d cover my whole lid with it, you’d look like you’d been in a major fight! But, love it as a blending between color! I use it a lot to blend darker colors up to lighter ones. Click on continued to see a photo of me wearing it!
Black Tied
Motif (over NYX Milk Jumbo Eye Pencil)
Hip Eye Khol
Covergirl Lashblast Mascara (black/brown)
NARS smudge proof eyeshadow base
I don’t know what ever came over me when I went out and bought this color. It’s a medium-toned magenta with seriously fuschia/red tones and an unquestionable sheen to it. This looks ok paired with blacks or cool purples just because those types of colors help draw the attention from its overly warm undertones which can make you look sickly. When worn on its own (not recommended), it just looks like you overdosed on something and your eyes turned bruisy, red and oily (due to its velvety sheen, which is normally a positive thing but in this color it just accentuates the junkie effect). People who have an issue with red in their eyeshadow colors because, like me, they find it turns them into an exhausted wreck, stay well away from it.
Such a nice, shiney (especially with fix + mixed in) shadow! Looks BEAUTIFUL with carbon, nylon and poison pen! 🙂