Where to buy Scent Expressions Anti-Perspirant Deodorant – Ohh La La Lavender in the USA?
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I perspire more than the average person and other than a prescription deodorant, Secret is the only thing over the counter that works for me. And from Secret, this lavender gel is the best. The most efficient way to use it to prevent odor and excess sweat is the apply on the armpits at night, after showering, right before bed. In the morning, I usually wipe my underarms with a sweat wipe or wash again and reapply. In the hot and humid part of Southeast Asia where I live, this works like a charm. I always have at least 2 backups of this, because this is only available on the internet in my part of the world.
Great for everyday use. I especially love this one along with the cocoa butter.
The Cool Waterlily scent has to be one of the greatest deodorant scents of all time. It’s cool and crisp and fresh but still feminine. This antiperspirant works well, however it is not flawless. I’ve noticed that since they have changed the formula it hasn’t been working as well as it used to. I have to reapply during the day. However I will keep purchasing because it does smell great!
The smell is just amazing.The application is smooth ,price is good.For some reason it just doesn’t work for me as much as my regular deodorant.I tried it a few time,but each time its’ the same. But i really want to love it. It’s a Good product. I would give it 5 star if it wasn’t that it doesn’t work with me.
i really love this deodorant it smells amazing i love the clear gel formula,it doesn’t irritate my skin and smells so good and really does a good job,i also love the way it comes out and its not messy and wont break, i really like this for travel because its so compact definitely will be repurchasing this when i’m done. i was sent these products for free from influenster but all opinions are completely my own.
Ohh La La YES!! This Anti- Perspirant is pretty damn wonderful… The SCENT of this is Heavenly

It’s Lavender with a masculine touch; I’m La La Loving it. This deodorant truly smells so so good & unique… It’s like nothing I’ve ever smelled but it’s addicting. I always have to smell it before I apply it haha (not in a creepy way but it’s that amaze balls) Works with my body chemistry like a charm to keep me fresh and dry. I took off a Lippie only because it’s not Aluminum-Free & I’m on my feet for 7-8 hours a day serving & I tend to perspire through this a little throughout the day. It still smells good under my arms after my shift. I love this deoderant so much.
I’ve been using the Scent Expressions line for some time now. My all time favorite is Truth or Pear, which can prove difficult to find depending on the store. This is definitely a close runner up, especially since it is more easy to find. Va-Va Vanilla is great, too. However, there’s something about the smell of lavender to me that is so fresh, feminine, and clean. I usually purchase the clear gel formula. At Bed Bath & Beyond or Target there are often value packs in which a small version of the Clinical Strength formula in the same scent is attached. It costs the same as an individual package, so why not? Secret deoderants in general have great staying power, and I work nights as a nurse and am usually a sweaty mess by the end of my shift but somehow don’t smell terrible! Will repurchase over and over!!!
My HG!
I had my armpit hair lasered off and because of that I sweat more and smell more. This has the necessary power to keep me from sweating and smelling. I just wish it had more than just half the container in it.
I did a smell test at Walmart in the deodorant aisle and hit jackpot when I smelled this scent. I purchased the clear gel version. I gotta say, it was a close tie between lavender and vanilla, I might just go back and buy the vanilla because I genuinely love the formula of this deodorant. I must say that until now at the age of 26, I never had to use deodorant on a daily basis–my underarm only sweat when I’m stressed or do something strenuous. The few occasions I would wear it are whenever I wear a top that isn’t breathable, or when I work out, or when it’s hot outside (not common in BC Canada). I noticed a few small changed in my body the last year and perspiration is one of them. My old all natural deodorant didn’t help me anymore so that is what spawned my adventure to find a new deodorant that would (a) not smell obnoxious (b) be invisible (c) keep me odor free all day. This Secret clear gel scent expressions lavender ticks all of the boxes. I now apply it immediately after my shower and don’t even have to think twice about my pits. <3