Category: Concealers
Brand: Givenchy
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HG under-eye concealer for 3 years running. I shudder to think how much money I’ve spent on this product over the years, but then I think about the money I wasted trying all the other concealers out there and I let it go. This concealer is creamy, easy to apply, and offers buildable coverage. I used to think I wasn’t getting enough coverage, but it turned out I was using a shade too light for my skin tone. Multiple color options allow for a good match. I find the formula to be brightening and not glittery as mentioned in another review. After I’m done applying, I let dry for a moment and then lightly set with a powder. It’s never caked on me and wears well all day long, even without a primer. The one fault I have with this product is the click-pen dispenser – you never know when you’re going to run out, until you actually run out! I’ve learned (the hard way!) this product lasts on average 2 months with daily use for me so now I make sure to have a back-up on hand for the day I click, click, click, and zero product comes out!
Though I’ve been using L’oreal concealer pen for the last few weeks, I wanted to find a great concealer pen in a high-end version because though I liked the L’oreal one a lot, I wanted something new anyway, so I went out and got this one in shade ‘5 Mister Biscuit’.
I wear Nars Sheer Glow in 50/50 mix of Stromboli and Barcelona, which is supposed to be NC35 in MAC if that helps!
This shades matches perfectly, only a tiny bit lighter than my base. I absolutely love it and totally won’t be looking for any concealers any time soon! Out of all concealers pens I’ve tried in the past, this one definately has the most coverage and I wish I bought it earlier.
Funny how this doesn’t get that much hype, it’s absolutely perfect and you can totally adjust the amount of coverage to your liking. For instance, I put on a couple of layers and it looks absolutely flawless, not heavy like full coverage concealers. I’d say this one is like around light-medium coverage, but taking in account that I wear a pretty much full coverage foundation, the lighter concealers are way more flattering, something I noticed over time when I tried to make myself love the hyped concealers like Nars Radiant Creamy one or MAC Prolongwear, which in reality don’t look as good as I once imagined over a full coverage foundation, so if You’re like me and like flawless base, yet need some extra coverage under the eyes or around the nose, I would definately say go for a lighter coverage concealer, just something I learnt from my own makeup mistakes. Anyway, I love this concealer and will go out buy a lighter shade to highlight with as well, hope this helps!
I don’t have dark circles, but I still like to use concealer under my eyes, so I gave this a shot. I really enjoyed the smoothness and ease of application of this concealer, but overall it just felt pretty average for the price. Some days it settled into the fine lines under my eyes, which is a definite strike against this concealer.
Really nice. I use this as a concealer rather than a highlight, and I really like the fact that it’s relatively light and doesn’t crease. I took off a lippie because it does fade throughout the day on me a bit, but that’s better than thick cakey undereyes as far as concealer wear goes.
The main problem with this product is that it’s a tad too thick to be a natural looking highlighter, but not thick enough to work as a great concealer.
Doesn’t crease, creamy, good color match;
even though it’s almost 2x as expensive per ounce than Touche Eclat, you’ll be using far, far less product so the cost evens out actually.
as a highlighter too thick – you’ll need a very quick hand or you’ll end up looking like you’ve had quit a bit of makeup on. For newbies like me, ysl touche eclat is easier to work with.
as a concealer not thick enough. Light to medium coverage – any kind of foundation will do the same.
won’t work as a highlighter/concealer combo since you’ll be requiring different shades for each purpose, which means more $$$$. Might as well stick with a cheaper full coverage concealer, plus touche eclat.
Kind of a bummer – for my NC20-25 ‘milk’ is a super natural/ subtle color match without much shimmer. ( I had been previously using Ysl tocuhe eclat shade 2, and thought it a little bit too sparkly/pinkish for my taste.)
EH——- i thought i would love this because its such a high end brand. it doesnt do shit really. the coverage of which this is suppose to be used for, to cover up things, doesnt cover well AT ALL. i’ll stick with my MAC NW40 concealer
It worked fine but it’s way overpriced and I can get something just as good for cheaper elsewhere. But if you have money growing on trees, by all means, knock your little self out.
This is my HG concealer. I have repurchased 4 times. The best I’ve ever tried. Beautiful light coverage and brings the well-rested look back to my face. The only downside is the packaging. I wish they would improve upon it.
I just discovered this illuminator/concealer, I have always like the concept of YSL’s Touche Eclat and bought when it first came out well over 30 years ago, however, it has no longevity and disappears rather quickly on me within an hour or so. I was at Sephora on Sunday and tried the Meringue shade and voila I found my magic, it did a lovely job as a concealer but it really enhanced and opened my face as a highlighter at my age it did such a lovely job of brightening and enhancing my cheekbones.
This provides a heavier coverage then I am used too say with the Dior pen or YSL one.
So if that is what your looking for this might be for you, but it was drying on my eye area and made me look older…Noooooooooo!!!