Category: Concealers
Brand: Maybelline New York
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What a shame I just found out that this maybelline great wear concealer has been discontinued Bc I haven’t been out to the drug store shopping for makeup in a while! But I remember that this concealer was a decent product when I bought it and used it to hide any little zits I might have or any redness I might get! & Bc of my very oily skin type finding a concealer that stays put is difficult but this particular one did stay put! & I understand these reviews about how people are disappointed that this got discontinued! It’s always the case that good products get discontinued!
I still have one tube of this left, which I save for those ‘special’ occasions when I look truly rubbish! I am actually scared to run out of this stuff, which is why I use it so sparingly. I know it’s been discon for years, but I stocked up. Here’s why I loved it so much : – 1. Packaging. Discreet, small, simple. Wand applicator meant that you could apply it accurately without a makeup brush whilst out and about. 2. Coverage. Full. Covered absolutely everything, scabs, scars, pitted bits, with a matt finish. 3. Tenacity. Didn’t come off easily at all. 4. Price – affordable for most people.
I just tried EL DW concealer at the counter and did a direct comparison. The EL doesn’t come close.
Please bring this back Maybelline!
Best concealer I have ever used…and I have tried them all, lol
Does anyone on here know of anything as good?
..please email me if you do because I have not come across anything so far, apart from the old version of double wear concealer
which they then decided to change!
the colour of the new double wear is so dull in comparison to the old one
Sigh. I miss this concealer so much. I think I made that last tube stretch to last like… way longer than is advised, it started getting kind of nasty.. but I had such a hard time finding a replacement. I guess there isn’t much point in writing a review since it’s discontinued, but here’s the basic points – it had complete opaque coverage, you just CANNOT find that in ANY drugstore concealer, from what I’ve seen. It had fantastic staying power, great texture and easy to blend.
I’ve since found Make up Forever’s Full Cover and am happy with that, but the application process isn’t as quick smooth and easy as great wear was.
This is a decent concealer, though I don’t think it’s any better than the True Illusion one I’ve been using. It is very liquidy and almost watery in texture, which I prefer since it’s easier to cover up larger or smaller spots depending on your application technique (just do thin layers and tap, tap, tap to blend). The color I got (“Fair”) is a titch too light for my LLL/yellow-toned complexion, but it is thankfully a true ivory color, not pink or orange, and it looks fine if I blend carefully. Like the True Illusion, it works fine on my cheeks and eyes, but comes off of my (oily) nose pretty quickly. (Frustrating that I can’t find something to cover up that one wee darkish spot on my nose!) Comes in a tube with a doefoot applicator and only cost me about two bucks at the local discount cosmetics store. Probably won’t repurchase since I think it’s discontinued and I personally like my MUFE concealer better.
I fell in love with this concealer when it came out, but now it’s discontinued and hard to find. I use the shade Medium and it works great with my NC35 skintone. I must blend it well though, or else it is noticeable, as with all concealers though. I can build it up to cover small red marks, it’s one of the best concealers I’ve found. I’m so sad that it’s discontinued, but I am still able to find it, thank goodness. I don’t know what product I would use to replace this.
LOVE LOVE LOVE this! I have very dark undereye circles and this is awesome! Covers them up right away, doesn’t crease or fade and doesn’t make me look cakey.. definite rebuy..
get it at
follow the’s awesome stuff!
i bought this because of the reviews and then it sat in my makeup drawer, but i put it on this morning because of a massive zit and it conceals so well! i’m bringing this concealer everywhere with me now =)
This is a decent concealer. The color is a bit on the dark side for me but it blends well and with foundation on top it is barely vissible. When used on larger areas it is kind of obvious so I just avoid that. I use this on blemishes and in this pricerange it is the best I could find. lasting power is decent without it being to dry. The packeging is not so great since the black print comes off on my hands…..
I desperately Needed a New Concealer, as My Recent Fav was Nearly finished(Estee L. Double-Wear Stay in Place-I Love it, but am Tight Budgeted for Now, & it’s 18.50) so, After reading All the glowing reviews on this One, I found it(Yeah-It’s available to ALL you MUA’ers who Loved it) at for $4.99- was skeptical, at first, as I really don’t Like or ever Use this Brand, BUT as Usual, MUA was right- this is a Very, very good concealer! I use for Under-eye circle, first I use good Moisturizer , then I I dab a Bit & blend- it dries fast & it really Lasts- Looks pretty Natural- I did buy both the light&Medium , as I am somewhere in between the 2. Very Good choice, it may become my staple, as I have had such a Hard time, Like many, finding a Good Under-eye concealor- I really do reccomend..Only 4 choices-Fair, light, Med.& Dark- But again, I found that w/ both Light/Med Blended, it Looks nearly Perfect!EDIT: Dropped it to 3 lippies-it’s Just AVERAGE, And Still Love EL’Double Wear Concealer(light/med) the Best of ALL i’ve tried