Category: Cleansers
Brand: Clearasil
Where to buy Ultra Deep Pore Face Wipes in the USA?
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I wouldn’t purchase these again but I do like using these. I don’t use them on my face but I use them on my chest and back before I go to bed since I shower in the mornings. It has cleared up some blemishes on my chest which I do like.
I have no idea if this product is any good at reducing pimples. In fact usually I steer clear of Clearasil products but this I discovered by accident.
One morning I’d come home drunk and messy from a night out with a face full of makeup and no makeup remover in sight. I saw my brother’s Clearasil deep pore wipes and thought I’d give them a go. That night I was wearing liquid foundation, powder foundation, bronzer and a powder veil and these wipes cut through them like nothing else. I was too scared to use these wipes near my eyes but my foundation was 100% gone.
So yeah, I couldn’t tell you if this stuff did anything for pimples but it’s great at removing foundation and bronzer
I used to really like this, but now i really don’t.
The smell is INCREDIBLY strong – and it’s not a scent, its because of the chemicals inside it. It smells like alcohol. In fact, this is so strong that when i use it to rub on my skin, the skin on my fingers actually start drying and peeling off coz its so damn strong – that’s kind of concerning.
I comes in a little pot, but when screwed to the tightest possible, doesn’t prevent the liquid soaking the wipes to seep out (espesh when rolling around a suitcase when travelling)
Don’t like it, wouldn’t repurchase.