Category: Body Scrubs
Brand: Bliss
Where to buy Super Minty Soap N’ Scrub in the USA?
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For me is excellent in my body
Good exfoliating lock minty
Absolutely love this stuff!!! I love mint and this stuff is M-I-N-T-Y!!! If I have the shower curtain sealed tightly while using this stuff my eyes can well up with tears from all the mint! The power of this exfoliater is perfect for me…a little rough and gritty. It’s like if a scrub grew up on the streets…a little scary and dangerous but exhilarating. My negative is the price. This is the type of stuff I ask for for Christmas….
This is a great exfoliator during those hot, sticky summer days. The peppermint fragrance really wakes me up and makes my skin feel really clean. It lathers nicely, rinses well and leaves skin nice & smooth…ready for a self tan application.
Love this soap bar. I actually love Bliss Products!!! Smells super minty. After taking a shower that clean feeling last. Also one side that massages at the same time. When using it. Small gritty grain make skin feel super clean. .
This product is amazing. It is one hundred degrees here today, and I used this in the shower. Even 20 minutes out of the shower, I still feel the cooling effects. It’s heaven in this awful, humid heat. Smells wonderfully minty and fresh.
I received a sample of this from Sephora when I last went there. I wish I would have known this was meant to be a body scrub because WHOA it really IS super minty! I used this on my face and it cleaned well, exfoliated gently, and left my face freezing for fifteen minutes after my shower was over. The full size is pricey, so I probably won’t buy it, but it seems like it would be great for hot, tired feet.
I looove this soap! I’m one of those people that’s always asking “Are you hot? I’m hot!” Seriously if it’s over 70 I’m too hot. I worked out one day and hopped into the shower with this and aaahhhh it was sooo minty and tingly! I love the jojoba beads because I feel like I’m exfoliating the skin but also putting moisture into it. After I scrubbed for awhile I got a cold, tingly feeling all over and it lasted even after I rinsed and was out of the shower! If you dont like mint definitely do not purchase this but if you’re obsessed with it like me, this will be a new staple for you!
I love this scrub it’s my fav.
Except for when it’s cold out, or when it’s nighttime, or when there’s a draft! lol then you have to watch out cause you’ll freeze your butt off!! But otherwise it’s a great waker-upper and a GREAT scrub that smells sooooo good and there’s a great sweet smell that lingers afterwards. Plus it makes my skin so soft and delish! Too bad it’s like 30 bucks. Oh well! It lasts forever cause it’s not like you use it every day, and you only need a lil bit.
Great for the summer. Super super minty and very clean. Leaves skin soft and supple. Best scrub I have used. Just a little too minty for the winter.
This is another Bliss product that I cannot live without. It’s a great body exfoliator and invigorator. . a word of caution- if it’s cold out, don’t use it! You will absolutely freeze as you’re drying off after your shower. It’s a wonderful minty scrub! It’s great on your feet and anywhere else you want to feel refreshed (within reason of course!)