Category: Body Scrubs
Brand: Rituals
Where to buy Rice Scrub (Organic Rice Milk & Cherry Blossom) in the USA?
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I LOVE this scrub! I have recently really gone off oily scrubs in jars that leave a film over your legs and are hard to scoop out in a slippery shower. My boyfriend doesn’t like how sticky my skin feels after either. But I often find tube scrubs just dont cut it dry skin wise – this however is really really scrubby – leaves skin feeling so soft and leaves no residue on your skin – particularly good if you want to apply fake tan. I have very dry bumpy skin and this has helped so much. I originally got this in Orange but hated the scent so was delighted the exact same formula was in their delicious cherry blossom scent
10 bucks baby!!!!! Smells SOOOO good. I’m buying the rest of the range.
I love this brand in general. Although they still don’t have stores in USA you can order their products through Good scrub that lathers with an exquisite fine aroma.
Life changing!
I bought this after avery bad sunburn that left my skin quite ‘stained’ like. It did a help a little with shedding the old skin but it was done wonders for my ingrown hair in my legs.
I used to have a lot of those and now I have next to none.
It is a very gritty white cream, it doesn’t smell as great as the rest of the line but the smell doesn’t linger so I don’t mind.
The package does feel a bit flimsy but it was hold up so far.
I will never be without this again!