Category: Blush
Brand: Essence
Where to buy Soo Blush! Cream to powder blush in the USA?
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Essence’s Cream to powder blush has been my first (of two, hehe) blushes ever. And I still love it and use it quite often.
My favourite is always Milani’s Luminoso, as it lasts a lot longer; Essence’s one, on the other side, has a better finish, less shimmer, and way more illuminating and brighter. The consistence is peculiar, I never tried the cream-to-powder formula before, and I’m totally satisfied. It’s buildable and easily blendable. I only use fingers for it as it’s so soft a sponge or, worse, a brush would waste product or fail to spread it decently.
There are two shades avaiable, a rosy one and a peachy one, I went for the peachy which fits perfectly my NC15 skin. It’s sheer but not with the most natural result, but who cares. It’s adorable.
Sadly, it fades quite fast, and I wouldn’t recommend, it’s better for casual use. For the price, you can’t complain that much