Category: Blush
Brand: Tom Ford
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Very generic blush that fits everyone. Very bright colour so be careful with application.
Flush is the most vivid blush from Tom Ford’s permanent blush range, and it can be quite scary the first time you use it, or even after. I have ivory skin with olive undertones, and so I take extra special care when I apply this. I use Tom Ford’s Cheek Brush in conjunction to this, and the lightest touch at the very tip is often enough for one cheek. Because it is so incredibly pigmented, it can be more difficult to blend than, say, Frantic Pink. Flush does not oxidise on me, and like all the blushes in Tom Ford’s lineup, wear time is amazing. The colour is just as beautiful on the cheeks as it is in the pan, and is perfect for those days when you want the most beautiful shade of coral pink on your cheeks.
Whoa, this blush is expensive. I got this as a birthday gift and went online to check the price and I was floored. Who could ever justify paying this amount for a blush? Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful to the person who got me this, but I would never go out and buy this myself. I don’t care how filthy rich someone is, the price of this is just ridiculous. Anyway, on to the review. This is a decent blush. It wears well and the color is okay, but I feel like you could find a dupe for this that is just as good without being as pricey. The packaging does scream high-end, but I really don’t care for stuff like that just as long as something is of quality and the packaging is functional. LOL will I buy this if I run out? Umm NO.
UPDATE ON 12/11/16: Okay, I changed my mind. Every time I wear this blush, I look instantly awake. It really brightens up my face. I still wouldn’t repurchase, but have upped my rating.
UPDATE ON 12/28/16: I ate my words. I’m purchasing a backup.
I guess when people see a blush that retails for $57 the first question they would ask is it is worth it. I had the same question. One of the reviews I read said that the quality of Tom Ford’s blush wasn’t that much different from Burberry’s so maybe Burberry could be a cheaper alternative. I have Burberry’s blush in peony and Tom Ford’s in flush and frantic pink. In my opinion Burberry’s quality does not compare to Tom Ford’s, both in the pigmentation and the texture of the powder. Don’t get me wrong, I like Burberry’s blush, but I would rather spend $10+ dollars to get Tom Ford’s because of how divine the blush feels. Flush is a bright coral color that brights up my complexion. I have NC20 skin with a golden/yellow undertone. It’s easy to go heavy-handed because of how pigmented the product is. I literally just need to dab in the pan ever so slightly and I should have picked up enough product for one cheek. The quality of the powder is the most impressive to me. In fact, it is so creamy that it doesn’t even feel like a powder. You probably have heard many people describing various other blushes as being “creamy”. Well, I own many of the “creamy” blushes that others have described, but this is the first time that I actually agreed with others on the use of the word “creamy” for a powder.
I also enjoyed the longevity of the blush. This is one of the most long-lasting blushes that I own. I can still clearly see my blush at the end of a 8-9 hour work day. But to be fair, it also depends on whether I’m wearing a long-lasting foundation–If my foundation just melted, there is no way that my blush would stay…
I also liked the packaging. It’s functional, luxurious, yet understated. The packaging is also not too bulky so it’s rather travel-friendly. Overall I really can’t find anything negative to say about this blush, other than its price I guess… But this is an item that is definitely worth collecting if you are in the market for a luxurious blush that’s worth its price.
Didn’t have a coral colored blush in my collection, so decided to make this my first Tom Ford purchase!
Amazing pigmentation. Lasts all day.
Love it.
Love at first sight on the Nordstrom website Ford’s Flush and Nars Exhibit A are neck and neck for my favorite. Flush gives an almost cream like bloom to the cheeks, I am one of those light complexioned but lots of yellow and for some reason I soak up color and have my whole life. For me I have a fairly heavy hand with this, but for the rest of the audience I would say easy does it. All of Fords blushes have a sheen/soft shimmer/ barely there gleam, however none of that shows up on the skin, I think it serves to enhance the three dimensional effect this fabulously expensive rouge and well worth it in my opinion.
I got flush as my 2nd TF cheek color and right away I loved it- in pan it looked like a hot coral color, but at least on me looked peachy pink. I wore it daily til I got love lust which on me looked the same as this, so, being the purger that I am, I got rid of this in favor of love lust. The deciding factor being that love lust just looks more user friendly to me.
I’ve reluctantly said I’ll buy this again if I ever lost it, that’s the first thing up in my review: The price. About £45 I think this blush cost. THE most expensive one in my entire stash!!
Now that small detail is out of the way, let’s talk about Tom Ford blush. If you were stranded on a desert island and were only allowed to take one blush from your stash, which one would it be? For me it would definitely be this one. Main reason – this blush is going to last me FOREVER.
The pigmentation is insane and some might say that this fully justifies the huge price tag that this product carries. You do NOT swirl you blush brush around a Tom Ford blush unless your intention is OTT cheeks, it is incredibly easy to over apply this on my pale skin and for that reason I reserve it for days I’m not in a huge rush in the morning (this is most days so my usage of it has dwindled somewhat lately). So warning, be really careful applying it, you get what you pay for in terms of pigment here!
The lasting power on this blush is unrivalled by anything else that I own (Benefit, suqqu, by terry, nars….), it goes strong all day with minimal fading. Another tick in the box.
The colour of Flush is absolutely to die for, I wouldn’t have purchased this product had it not been for the colour and the fact I couldn’t find a perfect dupe of it anywhere. It is THAT neon coral colour that i’ve been looking for forever. Perfect brightening blush or for a pop of colour.
So pretty!!
The packaging is typically fabulous and a huge mirror inside. You get tons of product as well. I am not sure if i’ll ever use this up!
Overall this blush isn’t my favourite in my stash, mainly because it’s not a swirl and go product, but it is just awfully beautiful and lovely for special occasions. I’d take it on holiday with me but i’d be scared that i’d lose it as it’s so expensive. So there are draw backs to having a Tom Ford blush for me, but that isn’t the products fault, it’s just down to my preferences, this is definitely a 5 star product.
Do you need it? if you want a particular colour then yeah, if you’re crazy about the brand then yeah, if you want a great quality long lasting blush then not so much because other brands are also great for quality and lasting power, nothing is wrong with NARS or any other well respected brand.
If NARS had done a dupe of this colour I would have gone for them due to price point and slightly more workable pigment (for me at least).
I hope this helps anyone thinking of splashing out, you do definitely get what you pay for with this, but it depends what you look for in a blush in all honesty.
I’ve been wearing this blush every day since I got it a few weeks ago, even though I have so many others that I love. It’s exactly what I’ve wanted every other peach/coral blush of mine to look like on me. It is not matte nor shimmery, it just gives the perfect amount of life to the skin. I use a Chanel blush brush, tap both sides of it in the pan, and brush off almost all of it off on the back of my hand. That way I guarantee a natural, non-blotchy application. I’m an NC25 for reference.
Flush is a highly pigmented bright coral blush. Its neon like brightness brings a youthful glow to the cheeks without any dulling/darkening effects. It’s rare to see a blush with such vibrant intensity. On my cheeks, it turns nearly pink upon actual application, it’s like the orange tone in the pan largely disappears, leaving a healthy pinky glow! The shimmers in Flush is extremely fine and in a moderate amount. As a result, it looks almost matte on the face with a very subtle luminosity.
Comparing to Frantic Pink, Flush has a lot less shimmers, and is a lot more pigmented and requires a much lighter hand in application.
Nars Orgasm is a lot pinker, and a lot more shimmery. Nars Gilda is darker and more orange.
The nearest dupe in my stash is ELF Glow which has been discontinued.
Thanks to the gorgeous color, extremely finely milled texture, and near matte glow, Flush as become my holy grail blush!