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Unfortunately add me to the list of people who broke out from taking this. I definitely break out when I takeep omega 6 or 9 so I thought I should try omega 3 instead, but I noticed an increase in whiteheads and general congestion very quickly. I tried to persist with them but it never got any better, I also didn’t notice a difference in my skins hydration levels either.
This is my honest review. I’ve been taking fish oil supplements from a well-known, trusted brand, so i know that my negative results do not come from consuming poor quality fish oil capsules. I suffer from horribly persistent acne, but most of them come in the form of papules and pustules. However, ever since taking the supplements, painful red cysts develop on my face almost everyday. Yikes. I wanted to test whether the fish oil was causing it, so i stopped for eating them for a couple of weeks, and my cysts have subsided. I only have pustules and papules now. But at least they’re not that painful as getting huge ass deep rooted cysts.
I wasn’t going to write a review until I was at least 3/4 months into taking this product but my god, as I was applying my make up this morning I realised how, dewy, hydrated and healthy my skin looks; I am only 4 weeks in so this is a very pleasant surprise.
I take the PerriconeMD’s Omega 3 product, and yes, it’s expensive but I have zero side effects, no fishy burps, I don’t have to freeze them neither do I have any horrible skin issues as a result. It is worth paying just that little bit more for such quality in my opinion.
I haven’t noticed any faster hair growth but I don’t expect that at this stage. But my hair is noticeably shiny, more manageable and softer, sometimes too soft really. I definitely don’t need to use as much conditioner anymore which is an added bonus. There’s a significant reduction in hair fall also.
One of the best reasons is I have so much more energy to do things. I have so much more focus and concentration and I can get a lot more done at work.
I realise this is a long term solution and will continue to repurchase based on these early good results.
I have been taking omega 3s on and off since I was 17. I have only been taking them daily for the past 6 mo or so with no breaks……the reason I would take breaks in the past was due to boredom or not seeing miracle results. But now at 25, I have to say – any results are a big deal. So I’ll continue taking them. Especially now seeing the longterm results in my friends.
I use Nordic Naturals.
I always try to wait a while before reviewing products just incase the initial opinions change as my skin (or body) adjust to it. Sometimes my thoughts on a product change later on due to several other variables, but I always make sure to update/edit my reviews. My body has had long enough to decide if it hates these. Luckily for me, there’s been no negative effects. I haven’t seen DRAMATIC positive results, but there has been enough of an impact that I will continue taking these.
-My eyes are less red and less dry. Usually they hurt after a long day of staring at my computer screen but that is no longer the case by bedtime. They both look a lot clearer to me. Omega 3 is a common recommendation for dry eyes.
-Inflammation of my acne & post hyperpigmentation has decreased. KEEP IN MIND I am very diligent about my skincare and use products that target these type of issues already. I had already gotten rid of my acne for the most part. Nevertheless, I’ve still noticed a slight difference. My skin is (minimally) plumper. I’ve found that using a moisturizer helps my skin tolerate alpha hydroxy acids. It was a shock to me when I started noticing the omega 3s also could help in this manner. I never thought a supplement would protect my skin’s barrier from within. Yet I am definitely able to apply my favorite glycolic acid toner daily now with 0 peeling.
-Recent new growth of hair is coming in a little bit healthier. It’s been healthy since 2013 (I lost a ton in 2011-2012ish). But I’m noticing extra shine since adding these in…which is probably due to the neutral pro/con mentioned below.
Neutral pro/con:
-My (already oily) sebum production has started producing more oil. These supplements, based off what I’ve read on the science behind them affecting hormones, should be regulating my oil levels. :\ I was surprised that they actually increased it. This is bad news for my matte make up finish and greasy scalp. But… I’ll make it work. The reason I consider this to be a neutral point rather than a straight up con is because I am a big believer that being oily skinned is a blessing in disguise when it comes to anti-aging and hair health. Think of it as a built in moisturizer. That’s a huge reason I decided against ever going on Accutane despite every derm pressuring me. Note: If you are dry skinned naturally, omega 3 should help normalize your skin/oil production.
My biggest piece of advice is BE PATIENT and make sure you’re getting an adequate dosage. It takes a few months for these to really get in your system.
Again – these haven’t been miracle results but they’re significant enough that I’ve noticed them. I’m sure they could be a miracle product for others. The person with the best skin I know in her 50s swears by these and I’ve seen INCREDIBLE results in others.
No. Nonononono.
I started taking these as it’s supposedly supposed to help with hormones and acne. Literally two days after starting these pills, I broke out something fierce all over my jawline and chin area. Big red inflamed pimples, too. I *almost* persevered thinking this was just a phase, but my skin looked so bad that I couldn’t do it. After stopping them (and drinking a lot of water) I immediately cleared up. I’m glad this method works for some people, but it was bad for me.
So if you start breaking right away, just stop. It’s not worth it.
Hey girls!
A little bit about my skin:
I’m almost 21, and though I had not too awful acne during my teens, my lower half of my face went i n s a n e when I turned 20. (My chin had breakouts, my jawline as well) It’s to the point where my upper half is perfectly fine but the lower half of my face is insanely red (due to pimples)
Anyhow! I’ve tried a lot of topical gels/creams, but they honestly didn’t work. I didn’t know what the cause was, and frankly, I still don’t know what’s causing this, but I did find a way to help it out: Omega 3 supplements.
A month or two ago, I was on makeupalley just reading reviews of random stuff and a little missy mentioned Omega 3. I started googling & understanding why my pimples were so darn red. The lady who commented before me explains very well why we need Omega 3.
I started taking the supplement about 3 weeks ago, and in the past week, I’ve noticed how less red my acne spots are! My mom is always aware of how haywire my skin is, and she’s commented multiple times how much my skin looks better. I know at first I was very nervous in taking these supplements, because some peoples skins are insane after taking these, and others see a positive impact. Personal opinion of mine: try it out. It’s okay if your skin doesn’t agree with it; at least you’ll know that you tried a new solution. You’ll take care of your skin, and eventually the pimples from the omega 3 oil will leave.
Good luck ladies!
Take your omega-3’s ladies!
Here’s the simplified synopsis: Your darling little bodies have fatty acids in the cell wall of each of your cells. Omega 3’s are just one type of fatty acid. (Another type you’ve probably heard a lot about are Omega 6’s.)
Omega 3 and Omega 6 compete for similar jobs in your body. Omega 3’s can usually get the upper hand… if you eat enough of them.
And why would you want to do that? Wellllll… guess what happens when you have too many Omega 6’s running around in there?
INFLAMMATION. (ewwwww…..)
Yup. Upping your Omega 3’s and reducing your Omega 6’s can positively impact ANY condition that has ties to inflammation.
That means we’re talking about: eczema, psoriasis, acne, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, Crohn’s disease, asthma, hayfever, rheumatoid arthritis… the list goes on forever.
Are YOU getting enough Omega 3’s? Probably not. Most Americans have 16 to 30 times MORE Omega 6’s in their diets than Omega 3’s. That’s bad news.
The GOOD news is: you can fix it! You can INCREASE your Omega 3’s through supplements and DECREASE your Omega 6’s by refusing to eat anything cooked with a fat that is liquid at room temperature (ex: soybean oil, corn oil, olive oil, etc.).
Grapeseed oil, for example, has 696 times more Omega 6’s than Omega 3’s… so every time you put stuff like that in your mouth, you’re creating excess inflammation throughout your body. Not a good idea.
Like all good things, you can overdo it – so DON’T take more than 3 grams (3000mg) of Omega 3’s in a day.
If you’re looking to balance yourself without supplements, you’d want to eat plenty of leafy greens, ground flax seed, fruits, beans, veggies, and the maximum allowable fish intake per week for your gender, age, and weight.
Remember it takes TIME for all the cell walls in your body to change out Omega 6’s for Omega 3’s. So be PATIENT. You should start seeing results within four weeks and will definitely see results 12 months after correcting your diet!
Happy eating!
The great omega 3 it has benefited me since I was a baby I was given halibut liver oil squeezed in my bottle as an Infant it was a tiny little gelatin pearl it was High in omega 3 and vitamin a and e within two days my cold had miraculously cleared up as an adult still taking the halibut liver oil as well as hair skin and nails which is very high in omega 3 I found my skin is looking a lot healthier and my eyes are looking a lot clearer but apart from the good points it has boosting The appearance its amazing for your health I have noticed since I have upped my omega 3 in take my mood levels are beginning to stabilize and am feeling a lot less depressed and less anxious omega 3 is amazing and I couldint imagine My life without it.
I initially started taking omega 3 fish oil at the recommendation of my eye doctor to treat my dry eyes (!). I had also been struggling with adult acne for many years. About two weeks into taking fish oil my skin was so much clearer and breakouts stopped. My skin continues to remain acne free as long as i take omega 3 fish oil. I have been taking it for more than 5 years. I initially took it with flax oil & vit E, but now only take omega 3 fish oil. I take the liquid form made by nutri- supreme. This gets absorbed and digested better than capsules. When i first started taking it, i took capsules and i felt like i was burping up the flavor the rest of the day. With the liquid there is no after taste. I take about 1 1/2 tsps about 4x a week after supper. I drink juice after to mask the taste.
Also my hair got less dry and frizzy. The one who cuts my hair keeps commenting on how quickly my hair grows.
It feels weird to give only one lippie to Omega 3, which is definitely healthy and necessary for optimal health. However, this review is for the supplement/ fish oil, a common ingredient in omega 3 supplements. Like others have touched on, there’s a dozen reasons to take these, for beauty and for health. I’d read that omega 3/fish oil was good for the dry skin/whitehead skin type, which is usually me, so I figured this would be helpful and picked up a quality brand fish oil supplement from an organic produce store, it was called Carlson Eco-smart omega 3.
This brand was a large clear liqui-gel pill, and gave me no strange side effects such as ‘fish burps’. First day or two, I thought my skin did seem brighter/more glowy, so I figured I’d found the beauty pill as most ladies here experienced it, and kept up with them.
My skin- I usually have mild/mildy-moderate breakouts, mostly in whitehead form toward the sides of my chin. Once popped, they are usually gone in a day or two, with the pinkness behind gone in another few days after that. Only thing I’d found that significantly affected my skin was birth control, so I’ve always figured it was hormonal, though I’ve tried all kinds of ways to combat it from inside and out.
A few more days into these and a small pink pimple showed up on the side of my nose, which soon became a dreaded cyst. This is not your typical pimple- it’s the deep under the skin type that’s big, red, swollen, and hurts. They feel like 5 pimples in one spot, and there’s not much you can do to either reduce its swelling or make it come to a head. All in all, it took about two weeks for it to go away before being replaced by another one in the ‘monroe’ piercing spot beneath my nose, and then another one in the middle of my chin. I think one had started forming to the side of my mouth, but I’d by then stopped taking these so it wasn’t as bad as the others (and it still scarred).
It probably didn’t longer than a week or two to figure out that this supplement was the only thing new I’d taken and stop them. A month or two later I’m still left with a bright pink scar from each of them that probably will have to fade in more months time or be taken care of with a professional type of facial. If I remember correctly, I also had a few of these on my back as well, the kind that hurt to even lay on the wrong way.
Omega 3 is necessary for your body but this supplement is not the only way to get it. Though most of the reviews here are glowing in its favor, *please* don’t ignore the dispersed reviews of other women who also broke out in disfiguring cysts. I took pills from a great brand and still experienced this, so it’s not a matter of quality. Please also research alternative methods of getting your omega 3, such as from quality tuna/ salmon/ flax seeds (highest percent daily value) / and walnuts.
Here’s a helpful site all about omega 3:
It states that research indicates that omega 3 may be better absorbed from food than from supplements anyway. Ground flax seed can easily be added to cereal in the morning for a healthy and natural way to get your omega 3- I used to do this and didn’t even notice them much, they are kind of nutty. Flax seeds are a phytoestrogen though, so they may not be best for everyone (including women like me with hormonal imbalances already). The past few days I’ve been eating walnuts (the second highest percent daily value) in homemade granola in kefir and it’s delicious. My skin is looking good- whatever little bumps were there have reduced and my overall tone is bright.
I don’t want to scare anyone away from omega 3 in general, I just want to warn everyone that this sort of bad reaction from a fish oil/ omega 3 supplement is a real risk, and that you can still get the omega 3 without necessarily having to take that risk yourself. I hope this helps someone!