Category: Hair Color
Brand: Unlisted Brand
Where to buy Satin Ultra Vivid Fashion Colors Aloe Vera base in the USA?
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How to find the best price on Satin Ultra Vivid Fashion Colors Aloe Vera base?
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Low Ammonia percentage
Highly pigmented, micro-pigmented for better color absorbtion and longer lasting results.
Excellent grey coverage.
Mild smell.
Great range of colors and range of developers. The semi developer turns the product into a demi color.
Aloe base.
I use this to cover the stubborn grey hairs around my face, and have used it as the all over color with excellent results.
Can be difficult to find at retailers but easy to find on the internet.
My natural hair color is a 5 (Brown). Fine hair. Golden highlights, a few stubborn grey.
After reading reviews, i purchased SATIN hair color from DEVELOPLUS (made in USA, italian technology) because it is low amonia, and it was the first time doing the roots myself, since going to the beauty salon every 3 weeks for a $50.00 retouch was hurting my budget, i decided to roll the dices and do it myself at home. I was scared to dare doing the roots as good as my hair stylist do, but i did it, no regrets ! I am happy about the results.
I got 7N ( Medium blonde, neutral/natural base) together with 20VOL developer. I used the color ratio 1:1 for covering grey as the hair color box indicated, and left it on my hair for 45 minutes. Got a beautiful dark golden blonde, with a 95% grey coverage (almost all).
I got advice from a colorist at the beauty supply, about my best color choice, and she was right.
Love it ! You can see the picture i upload.
UPDATE: You can see the color is multidimensional, not flat. Shiny, healthy looking. I use it only on the roots, since the rest of my hair has been previously done at the beauty salon (highlights). Now i will go to the salon every 3 months, to do my highlights only, not every 3 weeks for retouch
Very important for me is to keep Salerm wheat germ mask as part of the hair maintanance program.
I recently moved and haven’t been able to get my regular color at beauty supply stores near me (you don’t need a license to purchase Koleston in my old ‘hood – blargh!). I was in a fix, but just couldn’t put box color on my hair. So I found the Satin and devised a plan.
Since there aren’t any reviews for the lighter colors, I thought it was especially important to let blondies know that Satin lifts. Like, really lifts. I’m naturally an ashy dishwater 7, and I just put 10B on my hair and it turned out the most beautiful light, neutral blonde with no hot roots! It blended the old color even better than my beloved Koleston.
I used 40 volume developer, did roots first for 20 minutes, mixed up some 30 and pulled through the darker ends for another 20. My hair is a little dry (which is why I took off one lippie), but the color is just lovely. I also highly recommend using Aveda’s Blue Malva conditioner on the roots immediately after coloring. I always do this and it neutralizes whatever brass is hanging around.
This is comparable to a high-lift blonde, and way better than any store-bought light, cool blondes. Highly recommend!