Where to buy Trio TS21 (Copper/ Rust/ Bronze) in the USA?
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2nd, 3rd and 4th are my pictures. I love this palette. Im pakistani and I have been watching youtube videos on how to do indian makeup for my wedding. There was a user BabyJanny who compared the golden in this to MAC Amber Lights, and the Rusk is color of my beloved estee lauder discontinued Burgundy, and the netural brown as MAC Minx. THESE ARE THE HOT COLORS for indian wedding, gold, red, and a neutral brown. These colors are not for everyday or for timid natural beauties. This is bold in your face gold, and red, flashy for a bold event. I have posted two pictures: one is the actual product trio, and the other picture is im in it, using Nyx Kiwi for the green, but Nyx Golden and Nyx Rust from this trio. All colors good gloriously. The walnut bronze color is such a great neutral color that I love using it by it self.
Im sooo amazed by the quality of the nyx eyeshadows. First of all, there is no fall out. Even my Tarte eyeshadows have major fallout problem. Second, they stay on better than my Stila eyeshadows, and I dont even need a primer. I wore this to a picnic, even In hot humid 100 degree weather, my shadow was still on, and thats without a primer, i have very oily eyelids. This trio has no appeal in the store, matter in fact, I have past by it several times seeing how dull they look, but the swatch well, and look even more incredible on the lids. I got it on sale at Ulta for $7.
EDIT: I decided to use these colors during my own indian wedding!!
OMG this is amazing. my first NYX purchase and it did not disappoint. the colors are so beautiful and apply like butter. so smooth and super pigmented. ive read below people commenting that it doesnt blend but it does! it blends wonderfully. im actually wearing it today and i just love it. i think of all the trios i swatched this one was the most pigmented. highly recommend for a neutral eye or even smokey eye depending on how u use it. i would say for neutral eye, use a lighter color all over the lid (any kind of gold or beige color will do). and use these three colors for the crease and outer v. looks amazing!!
I loved the colours in the trio, so I bought it back in the fall. I think I have used it twice since then.
The colours ARE nice. They are smooth and go on well.
You can pick up a lot of pigment with your brush.
I didn’t find they blended as well as other eyeshadows. It seemed to take quite a bit of work to get a seamless look.
Despite being in the neutral range, I found the colours very bold and dramatic.
Even though those shades generally suite me well, I found they were a little off on me. I can’t pinpoint what about them didn’t look right.
I can see myself using the bronze by itself, but I don’t see myself getting much use of the other colours.