Where to buy Hoodoo Voodoo in the USA?
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I’m also surprised this isn’t more popular. This is a gorgeous deep (but not dark) mauve creme that’s super glossy. I tried it on a professional pedi and now want a bottle of my own.
Hoodoo Voodoo is a beautiful, deep rose/dark berry. I have fair skin and it looks more pink than red on me. Amazing after just one coat. Shiny, but not shimmery or sparkly. I’m also surprised that this colour isn’t more popular – it really is gorgeous!!
I had a manicure a while ago and had a sudden impulse for red (I usually use nothing but washes). The manicurist picked this out, saying it would go with everything. It does. It’s a really pretty deep rose that’s obviously red but doesn’t scream it. I liked it a lot, and it seemed a good winter as well as summer color. So I’m buying some myself and will experiment.